Weekly call about Karrot development 2024

Date: 2024-05-28 on Karrot
Facilitator: all
Minutes: all
Participants: Bruno, Nick

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: (took us 1h to get to this point…) half an hour more, 11:10 or so
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working
      • co-working: nick and bruno
      • meeting: nick…
    • pick facilitator for next week: Nick

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • continue work on navigating upcoming activities [Jay]
  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • notes and actions items from Siegen on the forum [Nathalie]
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • discuss starting the meeting half an hour later next time, or on karrot [anyone]
    • discuss on karrot group

4. Discussion points

  • mini updates?

    • new look released
      • noticing mixed reaction in warsaw group 50/50 :slight_smile:
    • plugins nearly ready
      • doing frontend only is documented on docs
      • frontend env setup and plugin env setup
      • more docs to be written
      • plugin also in the backend, need to update recipe on coop-cloud
      • no docs for it yet
      • plan: instance configuration UI
      • examples of what a frontend plugin could do
        • adding new pages and menu entries
        • slots that put content in specific places (like a component on the wall, on top or below)
  • Polls design:

    • Penpot - Design Freedom for Teams
    • starting polls from group walls and place walls
      • but what about in the middle of a thread? probably not
    • added a “choose by role” option, of who can participate
    • no time limits
    • things left to work out
      • notifications
      • “poll has been created!”
        • bell notifications
        • push notifications
        • email notifications
        • notification configuration
      • list polls in their own section too?
      • who can start a poll?
        • whether it’s configurable?
        • anyone
        • can a newcomer create a poll only open for editors?
        • only editors should have the role selector
    • what does it look like in Loomio?
      • Top-level thing is Decisions
        • proposals, polls, meeting
        • a number of different things for how to do each of those, like templates

for when butze is back from hawaii:

  • membership for butze process

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • get feedback from others on the polls mockup [Bruno]
  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • notes and actions items from Siegen on the forum [Nathalie]
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-06-04 on Karrot
Facilitator: Bruno
Minutes: Nathalie
Participants: Butze (left early), Jay, Nathalie, Bruno, David (later)

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: started later, to the hour 11 CEST
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
      • Jay on holidays, back in a month (8th July)
      • Butze on a train next week Tuesday, will check connection
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working - yes
    • pick facilitator for next week: Nathalie

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • get feedback from others on the polls mockup [Bruno]
    • got feedback in karrot group
    • enable highlights in penpot, otherwise you might not find it
    • Jay will still give feedback
  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • notes and actions items from Siegen on the forum [Nathalie]
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]

4. Discussion points

  • membership for butze process [D]

    • checking our agreement again
    • Karrot
    • Membership policy
    • reviewed qualities for members
    • Propsal: Grant membership to Butze (Philip)
    • Reactions
      • Bruno
        • qualities checked for Butze
        • sees natural to have Butze part of the team
      • Nathalie
        • fun to review the qualities
        • good to take the time
        • still wondering what his Karrot contribution will be in the future, beyond Phd
        • had a nice contribution with the hackaton for example
        • wonders which other Karrot work interests Butze, like design, legal entity,…?
        • happy to formalize membership
      • Jay
        • agree with points mentioned
        • work as cohesive group, help out each other
        • good comprehensive list of qualities
      • Butze
        • very high values to live up to
        • aware of qualities
        • happy to become a member, process started last year in august when I met Nick in Luxembourg
        • contributions: not too many conrete tasks, needs to find my place still
        • achieve new vision and mission for myself
        • make connections between academia and karrot
        • connection and networking, working with foodsharing e.V.
    • Consent
      • Bruno and Nathalie consent!
    • Next Steps
      • add Butze to people page [Nathalie]
      • add Jay’s membership to agenda soon
        • intention to join the team
        • how to do onboarding, who is bringing this to the agenda?
        • when is the time to formalise?
        • don’t see a reason to not put this in the agenda, trust the process
        • ok that it’s not defined
        • maybe after Jay is back, but she is happy for us to discuss this beforehand
          [Butze left]
  • mini updates [R]

    • mockup for polls ongoing
    • Nick working on plugins
  • moving tuesday meeting 30min later, start on 10:00 CEST

    • decided in chat
    • changed on karrot already
    • affirmed in the meeting
  • financial host

    • Proposal - HedgeDoc
    • proposal to apply to allforclimate fiscal host
    • start a legal entity on our own or apply for fiscal host
    • issue: getting the payments from nlnet, not wanting to use private bank accounts
    • legal entity also includes questions of governance
    • went through options on last coworking with Bruno and Nick
    • All for Climate: EU-based, low fee, aligned values
    • Proposal
      • Choose Fiscal Hosting over founding our own legal entity
      • Choose Allforclimate as the fiscal host we want to apply to
    • Questions & Reactions
      • Jay
        • Q: How do legal entity and fiscal host go together? could still found legal entity later and stopü using fiscal host
        • Q: which countriy for legal entity? proposal is not to found entity now, but we considered UK but also other european countries
        • it’s economically easy to found something in France
      • David
        • good experience with them
        • everything is transparent
        • people can earn money, upload bills and money got transfered within a few days
        • income/ outcome visible on website
        • documentation available
        • create invoices, accept donations
        • a lot of work is done by the platform
        • keep getting active without worrying about bureaocratic stuff
        • we don’t have a legal entity
      • Bruno
        • Q: Use All for climate when signing a contract? [my connection broke down]
        • Q: Do we need to be Freelancers to access money? Yes! Everyone is responsible for their own taxes in their countries
      • Nathalie
        • clarification: All for Climate is a fiscal host using Open Collective which is the transparent platform
        • I do like it!
    • Consent Round
      • Choose Fiscal Hosting over founding our own legal entity
        • no objections - consent!
      • Choose Allforclimate as the fiscal host we want to apply to
        • no objections - consent!
    • Next Steps
      • Apply to Allforclimate :slight_smile: [let’s do it in coworking]
  • budget [R]

    • is there a report on the budget?
    • is it only visible for members ofthe team?
      • Bruno
        • no formal budget so far
        • 3 sources od income: nlnet, projet in gothenburg, donations
        • common pot of money
        • support contributors livelyhood
        • we had money circles, notes are public
        • we define who is getting what in these meetings
        • initally idea of providing (limited) basic income
        • shifting towards money for time/ contribution recently
        • thinking about our personal needs still
      • Jay
        • Q: do you ever pay external people (not karrot team)? we’ve done that once or twice, proposal for a person to work on a feature
      • Nathalie
        • interesting discussion about reporting
        • that will be a good thing with fiscal host
        • last meeting about money May 14th
        • currently spending EUR 1130/month
        • using Nick’s account, only 3k left
        • not really planned, but aware
        • still need to plan
        • not much security in terms of long-term savings
        • still figuring out how we relate to Karrot in terms of income
    • question answered :slight_smile:
    • no sense of urgency on this
    • although money agreement is probably due to review some time soon

when Jay is back

  • Jay’s membership

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • continue working on the mockup for polls [Bruno]
  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • add Butze to people page [Nathalie]
  • Apply to Allforclimate :slight_smile: [let’s do it in coworking]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-06-11 on Karrot
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Nick, Bruno, Nathalie

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: 1h
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
      • Bruno traveling for a week
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working
      • co-working probably
      • next week yes!
    • pick facilitator for next week: Nick

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • continue working on the mockup for polls [Bruno]
  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • add Butze to people page [Nathalie]
  • Apply to Allforclimate :slight_smile: [let’s do it in coworking]

4. Discussion points

when Jay is back

  • Jay’s membership

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-06-18 on Karrot
Facilitator: Nick
Participants: Nick, Philip, Nathalie

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: up to the hour 11:00 CEST
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
      • Nathalie: FOSC SOFA: restructuring of sofa, focusing on community of practise (meeting, talking about governance, open source, sociocracy, etc.)
        • next community of practise july 15th 17:00 CEST
        • could be a nice space for karrot people to join
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working
      • co-working tomorrow: nick, … maybe butze, maybe not
      • meeting next week:
      • co-working next week: heads up → all for climate onboarding call
    • pick facilitator for next week: maybe Nathalie

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • membership payment coop-cloud [Nick]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]

4. Discussion points

  • mini updates?
  • start review of money agreement
    • Karrot
    • 5 min to read through
    • round to share reflections
      • Butze:

        • a good general text, easy to comprehend for people in Karrot project or used to alternative circles
        • for people not in alternative circles, maybe hard to comprehend what it actually means, e.g. “what is the money circle?”
        • says describe an agreement for each contributor, but what would it look like? amount of money, could make it more tangible
        • in second paragraph there is an explanation of how we see money, would move that into the beginning, “How do we perceive money”, so add some headings, preface, process, how we get to outcomes. with the goal to help outsiders to understand it better
      • Nathalie:

        • I like it a lot
        • saw we made a few amendments from initial draft
        • feel like it makes sense
        • like this second paragraph, feels quite honest, e.g. within our financial capacities
        • two minor points:
          • practicalities of money circle, usually takes place in the weekly meeting, not after it
          • a bit more tangible about how we do things, could mention opencollective, e.g. “all money is collected by our fiscal host and visible on our opencollective”
            • like the sense we have one collection of money, and we had some confusion before about whether to have extra agreements
            • nice sense to collect all the money from all the sources (not thinking about who brought it in), and then redistributing it
        • agree with butze, as the agreement could just be amount of money
      • Nick:

        • likes it
        • balance between dreamy vision (working from our hearts) and lived realities, we touch both parts of that
        • broadly made sense to me
        • guideline: what do we mean by this, e.g. the 3 categories for contribution, we’re open to have discussion about others
        • guideline could mean different things to different people
        • external work not reflected here, difference between core work and ‘external’ work, nothing to add here, but reflecting that not all situation are covered (where there is an overlap in projects)
        • ‘in the meeting’ could just edit that
        • tangible is good, but could be prescriptive instead of descripive
        • example section could be nice, based on previous examples
        • once we get fiscal host, we can include it in there and link it
        • not about who brings it in, support making that explicit
        • adding headings, would be happy about this: ideoligical background, what we’ll discuss, facts/ how it happens, examples - but not too motivted to work on headings myself, as it’s not a very long text
      • Butze:

        • also stumbled on the word “guideline”, not sure a good other word
        • it also says “people who use Karrot”, so users of karrot could come and ask for money?
        • also don’t see the need to structure to the text, but would be happy to
      • Nathalie:

        • also not so motivated to structure the text with headlines, as it seems not too long
        • am motivated to add a sentence here or there:
          • opencollective
          • one money pot
          • and in the weekly meeting, not after
        • openness of money circle? didn’t advocate for it to be so open, but happy with it, currently we only give money to karrot team, open to some flexibility, in reality mostly people in karrot team
      • Nick:

        • openness, just leave it, but how do people know? they would need to be aware of it and somehow active
        • we did pay travel costs to karrot users, could be worth having a section, making it clearer for other people
      • next steps

        • bring back a new version of text to a meeting (maybe after fiscal host?)
  • stirtoaction festival?
    • Festival Tickets 2024
      • we would all like to go, looks nice
      • maybe next year find a festival and go there together
      • happy for Nick to go and we could support financially
      • how would karrot representation look like? e.g. chatting to people, connecting projects
      • proposal: Nick can buy a ticket with Karrot money for £90 and represent Karrot as well as do his own things there
        • Butze: I consent
        • Nathalie: I consent
        • Nick: I consent

when Jay is back

  • Jay’s membership

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • bring back a new version of text to a meeting (maybe after fiscal host?) [Nathalie, nick happy to co-work on it]

Date: 2024-06-25 on Karrot
Facilitator: Nathalie
Minutes: Nick
Participants: Bruno, Nathalie, Nick

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: up to 11 CEST, then check
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working
      • co-working - onboarding with allforclimate, and maybe co-working after: nathalie, bruno, nick
      • next week meeting: nick, bruno, nathalie
    • pick facilitator for next week: bruno

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we don’t have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • bring back a new version of text to a meeting (maybe after fiscal host?) [Nathalie, nick happy to co-work on it]

4. Discussion points

when Jay is back

  • Jay’s membership

also soon

  • discuss MoU 5. Security & accessibility responsibilities and add to excalidraw
  • Karrot employment

Message from APC thing

Hi Dear @karrot
I’m working at apc.org, member of NGI0 consortium.
Next Generation Internet Zero | Association for Progressive Communications
You received and NGI0 commons grant. Congratulations!

I’d like to do an interview (8 to 10 questions, written asynchronously) and publish it on the APC website.
Would you agree?
If so, who should I write to to send these questions?

Looking forward to hearing from you

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • write feedback and reflections on suggesting Karrot to parents coop [Bruno]
  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • bring back a new version of text to a meeting (maybe after fiscal host?) [Nathalie, nick happy to co-work on it]
  • follow up with APC [Nathalie]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-07-02 on Karrot
Facilitator: Bruno
Minutes: Vasilis
Participants: Vasilis, Nathalie, Bruno, Nick

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: try for the hour
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working
      • Nathalie, Bruno, Nick, (maybe) Vasilis
    • pick facilitator for next week: Vasilator

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • sign contract with allforclimate [all(forclimate)]

4. Discussion points


  • review List of ideas at the bottom of this page, remove items that magically happened and celebrate!

when Jay is back

  • Jay’s membership

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes
  • technical design of signup public activities on Codeberg [Nick]
  • bring back a new version of text to a meeting (maybe after fiscal host?) [Nathalie, nick happy to co-work on it]
  • follow up with APC [Nathalie]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-07-09 on Karrot
Facilitator: Vasilis
Minutes: Vasilis
Participants: Nick, Nathalie, Jay, Bruno, Vasilis

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance (write down participants)
    • duration: 11.30 CEST
    • information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working: Jay, Vasilis, Nathalie (maybe)
    • pick facilitator for next week:Jay

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

4. Discussion points

  • mini updates

    • allforclimate update? + more people join Karrot - Open Collective
    • idea is that all people sign up
    • sent of the signed thing, waiting for them to respond? Sent last week, we expect sth more or less at the end of July
  • NLNet updates

    • excalidraw we added some task (updates on it)
    • Excalidraw | Hand-drawn look & feel • Collaborative • Secure
    • very aware that the role desing process should start soon
    • finish the polls we d like to bring it in a meeting before it gets to development
    • for the roles. call a meeting…follow the design process, come up with a penpot, basically similarly to the polls (hosted by Nathalie)
    • keep in mind/updated with reality
    • some can progress when we got the fiscal host (no money on the account atm)
  • when Jay is back: Jay’s membership

    • Agreements: Member policy
    • §3 Becoming a Member paragraph
    • round of reactions:
      • Bruno: met her already and feels like she’s got the qualities for becoming a member. Saw a commitment and interest in cotributing mainly with development, but also with other tasks, would be interested to hear a bit more about how she sees her contributions in the future
      • Nathalie: a little ritual, meeting in person in Siegen helped me a lot, do see a lot of commitment, contribute, design process, there is a lot of things in favor of u also joining the team, one sense, hard to articulate: concern that engaging in a self-organised env might lead to overwhelm.
      • Vas: missed meeting in person, do see a good fit, beautiful to see Jay coming to the meetings, liked that Jay was sharing ideas already, good energy, likes to see team growing!
      • Nick:(re)echo, nice to build on the ‘in person’ base, enthusiasm is quite obvious and present, general in chatting, talking + Singing!!!, lots of ideas, bright thought, idea of having more ppl to develop (increased tech team) ‘I like that’ (Nick), learning the new tech we use, knowlegde sharing, space for learning within the self-organised, lack of urgency in Karrot, we dont have this ‘urgency’, its more present or slow or whatever is fitting, hope it feels that way as well, ‘slow spaciness’ can be nice and frustrating. A space to explore my experiences in siegen relating the situation with fslux
      • Jay: sorry have to be in and out of meetings, set time not compatible with my schedule. Fslux as one of the ‘users’ of Karrot, I m OK discussing about it. Overwhelm doesnt put pressure on me, had a positive experience, in general I have a positive experience, well organised but yet not so strict to stress me out, good match, from an idelogical, I want to be part of socially. How the process feels? It feels a bit stressful. ‘It is a bit like an interview’. My job is doing enough to cover my money needs atm.
    • consent round
      • Is everybody consenting:
        • Everyone consents: Bruno, Vasilis, Nick, Nathalie, Jay!!!
    • Welcome Jay
  • Local foodsharing Forbach possible cooperation

    • there is a group forming, got in touch with them, might help them out. I contacted them, they are on Karrot
    • Karrot
  • matt dowse proposal

    • centre for sociodigital futures (post-doc). Wrote me an email, ideas of trust. Community Econonomies, fancy working with me? workshop of paper,blog or seminar, invitation to explore that further, no big rush, away till end of July
    • this one → Matt Dowse — University of Bristol
    • reactions
      • Bruno is interested and curious, willing to chat
      • Nathalie good opportunity, I m not so interested in joining atm. Still vague but nice. Would ‘nominate’ Vas or Bruno to join if they like. How do u see the money involved?
      • Vas is happy to join/participate/chat/explore
      • Jay happy to join, interesting discussion that might come up
      • Nick: reply to Matt, propose an exploratory meeting, 1h or so and see where to go from there
      • If there is 250 a day, woulld like to participate as a team, a community in that way. Simpler to include that as pooled money
  • future meeting:

    • bring polls design into meeting for discussion/approval
    • money agreement review
    • review List of ideas at the bottom of this page, remove items that magically happened and celebrate!

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes (co-working)
  • join Karrot - Open Collective (Vasilis, Butzer)
  • include Jay in the Karrot people (quick/short bio)
  • open collective account [Jay, Vasilis]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-07-16 on Karrot
Facilitator: Jay
Minutes: everyone
Participants: Nick, Nathalie, Jay, Butze, Vasilis, Bruno

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance Nick, Nathalie, Jay, Butze, Vasilis
    • duration: 11.30 CEST
    • information? any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
      • Butze away next 2 weeks
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working: yes
    • pick facilitator for next week: Jay

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes (co-working)
  • join Karrot - Open Collective (Vasilis, Butzer, Jay)
  • include Jay in the Karrot people (quick/short bio)
  • make an open collective account [Jay, Vasilis, Butze]

4. Discussion points

  • report back on stirtoaction festival last week [Nick]
    • new economics festival
    • wrote a mastodon thread
    • intelectualised ways, expert on the stage
    • bettter to surface the wisdom in the room
    • managed to get play, rest
    • one of the structured sessions: ABCs of the new econommy, attend an annual EGM, join a committed role, middle role: listed 7 things, e.g. learning skills, sharing connections, contribute ideas, tell stories was quite a nice one, two ppl had interesting chats with, commons booking, curcilar economy urban project e.g. have a karrot instance, the other project was a shared economy project using open-collective, would be a while before Karrot would make sense for them, made me think of Karrot as a core that is supported by plugins/extention. A community around deaf users also connected to, eg a work on a join application funding platform to work on more tailor made features. Got some good ideas overall for Karrot
    • session on investing/funding: going down and gets harder and harder, everyone seems to ‘hate’ the whole thing, models outside waiting for the funding cow are important to find.
    • community tech session didnt engage much but nice ppl to talk to
    • question/reaction
      • onboard Jay how we seek out funding
      • commons booking, what did you mean?
      • go there as team next year?
        • could be nice, worth considering, could evaluate others
        • didn’t have camping this year
      • mapping out use cases was interesting to hear, likes to continue this conversation, outreach and strategy
      • work towards Karrot strategy days
  • money agreement review
    • text with amendments: HedgeDoc - Collaborative markdown notes
    • talked about it on 2024-06-18 meeting: Weekly call about Karrot development 2024 - #25 by nicksellen
    • Review text
    • Reactions
      • like it how it is, wait until it’s true as we’re still in process with all for climate
      • Open Collective
      • get rid of ‘in the sense of redistribution’
      • not very clear what is meant by decouple income generation and receiving money
      • happy with text
      • ‘however we recognize…’ not logically coherent, conclusion that is drawn
      • common pot aplies to funding, some do more fundign oriented work that other and therefore ‘generate’ more income
      • not sure about ‘decoupling’, is it clear for outsider?
      • confused about categories of contribution, is it for Karrot members or outside contributors? Is there no fixed salary?
      • Alternative wording of redistribution sentence
      • 3 categories: paragraph above has the relevant information, doesn’t only refer to Karrot team, problem of guidelines, happy to get rid of it if it’s adding confusion, it is not a boundary, emphasis on discussion part
      • monthy or task based compensation, not categorise contributors
      • not speak about ‘3 categories’ but ‘ways of contributing’ instead of putting a number
      • don’t see myself in any category
      • process question: consent to written proposals, continue rewriting other parts, iterative approach
    • Proposal:
      • Adopt new version of agreement with a term of 1 year.
      • Bring back proposal after tomorrow’s co-working
      • Add current changes in bold
    • Consent round
      • Objection: 'we aim to distribute the money fairly ': unclear what fairly means, it is vague and doesn’t reflect what we mean
      • Proposal: Agree on everything else and leave this part (2nd paragraph) to coworking session
      • Consent!
    • Next steps
      • update agreement on forum and karrot group [Nathalie]
  • report from FOSC Community of Practice [Vas]
    • good meeting, 7-8 people, 3 people from SoFA, others from other projects (US, Poland)
    • skipped bureacratic parts e.g. SoFA membership to join
    • getting to know each other, some started implementing socicoracy
    • made a list of topics for the future
    • meet once a month
    • very grounded, different ideas
    • interested to think about fluctuating participation, how could sociocracy work there
    • not only focused on decision making but building relationship, sharing emotions
    • shared values implicit in open-source and sociocracy
    • bringing open-source to sociocracy and vice versa
    • notes: FOSC Community of Practice notes - Google Docs

future meetings:

  • bring polls design into meeting for discussion/approval [Bruno]
  • review List of ideas at the bottom of this page, remove items that magically happened and celebrate! [Nathalie]

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes (co-working)
  • join Karrot - Open Collective (Vasilis, Butzer, Jay)
  • include Jay in the Karrot people (quick/short bio)
  • make an open collective account [Jay, Vasilis, Butze]
  • update agreement on forum and karrot group [Nathalie]
  • rephrase money agreement [Jay]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout

Date: 2024-07-23 on Karrot
Facilitator: Jay
Minutes: everyone
Participants: Nick, Nathalie, Jay, Bruno, Vasilis

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance
    • duration: 11:30
    • information? any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
    • next meeting: weekly meeting and co-working: Nick, Jay, Bruno
    • pick facilitator for next week: Jay

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • change getting started guide to give the right message for undergrad students [Vasilis]
    • done
    • summary is that we dont have capacity for dev contributions but HCIish things yes (co-working)
  • join Karrot - Open Collective (Vasilis, Butzer, Jay)
    • Vasilis, Jay joined; Butze not yet
  • include Jay in the Karrot people (quick/short bio)
    • done
  • make an open collective account [Jay, Vasilis, Butze]
    • redundant
  • update agreement on forum and karrot group [Nathalie]
    • to do
  • rephrase money agreement [Jay]
    • to do

4. Discussion points

  • mini-updates
    • we got a fiscal host! :tada:
    • work on group switcher mobile
  • money topics
    • transfer last of existing money to OC
      • one time donation
      • 439,81 EUR
    • do first nlnet RFP?
      • ready to do first rfp payment, to private, then OC
    • essen fur alle regular donation
      • make a test donation and check how it works
    • think about future of opencollective usage
      • set up contribution levels with descriptions?
      • include link, or more inside Karrot?
      • deeper integration?
  • meeting with matt dowse
    • interview with Nick (Commmunuty Tech, sociodigital fututures)
    • back and forth discussions to collaborate
    • paperblog/seminar
    • trust was the central topic interested in
      • exploratory call online with Karrot-team
      • cc Martin Parker to be in the loop
    • expressed personal interest ‘out of the papers and to the hands of actual communities’
    • writing to vas and butze to ask for some references for papers for the issue of trust
    • how it connects with real-world trust
    • matt dowse initially wrote:
      • “Specifically, I’m thinking about the idea of trust and how trust is built through community technology practices and processes – both in the ways that organising in this space is constituted and broadly governed (alt models etc) and how these practices can form particular kinds of trust (and vulnerability) and what this means to how community technology might be imagined in the future as a trust making practice…… In part, this links to some of the community economies summer school work that I’ve been working on in that I think that trust has the potential to sensitize us to some of the invisible practices that make up community tech practice and which might be generative to future thinking about community tech and what it does/can could do (in opposition to some of the more damaging effects and or practices of more capitalist forms of tech practice).”
    • not much research around trust which is not transactional (reviews, star systems), different forms of trust e.g. trusting someone to hold a role, relational form of trust is build gradually, some papers on relations trust, but not much how technology can mediate this (related to HCI)
    • different faces: trust people, trust mission, trust culture, trust platform as a software, trust towards an instance admin, trust to be solid
    • needs to think more about the conection of trust, roles and selection processes, also looking at our next Dsign Process for Roles
    • is trust-building a fundamantally non-technologial process? How much can technology really do?
    • sociocracy supports trust-building and psychologival safety in circles/ small groups
    • Who is interested to join an inital call with Matt?
      • Jay, Vas, Bruno, Nick
      • how to find a date?
    • take some time beforehand and use a co-working to collect trust related topics
      • could do it or do it together with Matt
    • Proposal
      • Ask Matt if they have an agenda and plan for the meeting, propose to use co-working time (August 7th)
      • Jay, Vas, Bruno and Nick will take part
      • continue in co-working
  • review List of ideas at the bottom of this page, remove items that magically happened and celebrate! [Nathalie]

future meeting:

  • Open Collective account
    • set up contribution levels with descriptions?
    • include link, or more inside Karrot?
    • deeper integration?
  • bring polls design into meeting for discussion/approval [Bruno]

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • join Karrot - Open Collective [Butze]
  • update agreement on forum and karrot group [Nathalie]
  • rephrase money agreement [Jay]
  • transfer over last of funds to OC [Nick]
  • do an RFP [Nick]
  • share papers on relational trust in karrot group [Vas]
  • continue conversation on meeting with Matt (trust topic) [Jay, Nick, Bruno, Vas]
  • open a topic on the forum (board) around people page link [Jay]
  • review #2733 - change_about - karrot/karrot-frontend - Codeberg.org and merge if OK [Nick]
  • replace list of ideas with ‘keep’ section [Nathalie]
  • bring to forum
    • if there are shared resources in a group = commons (e.g. a cargo bike) can this be supported by karrot. e.g. a feature for shared items? [Nathalie]
    • agreement feature and group governance, have a default agreement coming with the software [Nathalie]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout