User story:
As a newcomer, the money agreement subdivision into categories is confusing (personally, the remuneration I am receiving from Karrot does not match any of the outlined categories)
Outcomes (or what needs to be done to move forward):
Possibly replace the categories (which come across as too rigid) with examples of remuneration that are currently applicable to some members of the team.
Notes from Meeting
- Editing Proposal
- manifesting transactional money transfer
- maybe rather soften it
- add hourly payments
- new proposal is more formal, job-like
- “retribution” terminology confusing, could mean punishment
- some confusion/overwhelm about all the details
- leaning towards the option of leaving it completely
- although can be useful to have examples of how we can make money flow, e.g. some monthly, some time based, some task based
- would be against getting rid of it entirely, as would lose information
- getting rid of it? in law there is an agreement and a guidance document, maybe that’s what we need here. Guidance document can be more wordy and doesn’t need to be on a level of agreement
- how to onboard people to a new money paradigm
- process is conversation based, this seems to be the essance
- additional advice document could have more help with examples and link
- Next steps
- put proposal in forum and continue conversation there [Jay]
- continue as slow conversation, no decision now