Profile length restrictions

User story:

A user can fill in their profile, which applies to their whole Karrot account. Recently we discussed making a sensible limit on the length of it so it stays for it’s intended purpose.


I thought it didn’t have a limit, but it does already, of 100 000.

We currently have DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH = 100000 which is applied to several fields, either via db constraint and/or by serializer (API-only limit).

These are the fields it is applied to, and the top 3 lengths in the prod database:

Feedback/comment (via db constraint) - 7551, 6209, 6135
Place/description (via serializer) - 37384, 19620, 15295
User/description (via serializer) - 51561, 4628, 2029

Actions we could do some/none/any of:

  • reduce the limit overall, e.g. to 10000
  • make separate limits for different fields, e.g. 5000 for profile, 50000 for place description, etc…
  • enforce the limits in db and/or serializer (API)
  • apply the limits to additional fields, e.g. group public description
  • do nothing

Outcomes (or what needs to be done to move forward):

Perhaps bring it back to discussion… I am inclined actually to do nothing, as there is a limit there, it’s perhaps rather generous, but I am not clear enough on the benefit of further work here.