Weekly call about Karrot development 2024

Date: 2024-10-15 on Karrot
Facilitator: Nick
Minutes: Bruno
Participants: Nathalie, Bruno, Nick, Butze

1. Opening

  • 10 min Check in
  • 5 min ADMIN
    • attendance
    • duration: 11 CEST
    • information? any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
      • butze: will be in graz next week, might not make it to calls while travelling
      • next meetings:
        • tonight: community cafe at 18:00 CEST
        • tonight: design process on roles/permissions 20:00 CEST
        • tomorrow co-working: nathalie, nick, bruno, others? maybe matt dowse
        • next week meeting: bruno faciliate
    • pick facilitator for next week: Bruno backup

2. Consent to agenda

  • 2 min

3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes

  • reply to Zbigniew [Nick]
  • find the pad with edits for agreement related to data interventions [vas]
  • reply to armor coalition and re-activate group [Nick]
    • did that
  • communicate with LUX group about deleting one karrot group and take action based on mandate [Nick]
  • ask Babette about payments between collectives [Nathalie]
  • chat to Essen für Alle about switching to opencollective [Nathalie]

4. Discussion Points

  • updates
    • updated certificates on yuca
  • message from person about commons etc.
    • https://community.karrot.world/t/karrot-supporting-commons-economy/1907
    • came to bruno via his university address
    • comes from a foundation for human technologies in krakow
    • had some trouble signing up to the forum
    • info on self-host at the docs
    • bruno will reply
    • nice suite of tools he mentioned
    • nathalie met them in SoFa community of practise, had an email chat
    • maybe they’re not clear already if they were aware nathalie is also in karrot
    • could open the idea for having a call
  • intersection of design processes (roles and sanctions)
    • on first sanctions call, we had karolina, joachim, and karrot team peeps
    • became clear that it’s hard to perform the role of conflict mediation
    • and working out who will be deciding on the sanctions
    • so relates to roles a lot, circles, groups, etc…
    • bruno working on map as the next step
    • two ways going forward
      • integrate with the roles
      • or very minimal version (e.g. whoever has editing permissions can apply the sanctions)
    • could discuss this evening if there is space…
    • comments
      • we also have membership voting process, not just editor roles doing things
      • see the connection, but not a fan of merging, as it complicates things, hard to deal with
      • roles would need to be more developed to plug in the sanctions, and not clear sense of what will come out of the roles
      • keep updating each other with how things are going, but trying to keep them independent for now, and merge coming later
      • thinking about what happens in the groups, features get very related
      • takeaway from sanctions is the key difficulty of getting people into ther role of mediators
        • selection process in FSW
        • what if it does not work out?
      • more important is how it can represent what the group does
      • less important having the very detailed technical features
      • we do have the problem of who gets to configure things in the group? who has authority to act?
      • history feature helped with that
      • see the design process as simplifying the complexity
      • having the editor do the sanction is a default, then later we can see how a different role can be created
      • in sanction design process, brought up a clear use case for a different role, or for sanctions work fallback on default of editor role
      • use case of how to groups choose the people who can make decisions
      • capturing the idea that we might want to review what a person sees when they get editor access, maybe can link that to more information, and the agreements, etc. at the moment you get an email and a notification, but could make people more aware of what you can do → trying to understand what would be the benefit of splitting up editor rights, trying to align what people do with things they have a mandate to do, including the roles
      • useful to have updates/recap during these sessions since not everyone is present in all of them


  • check opencollective (linking opencollective and karrot instance) [vas]

5. Actions and Outcomes

  • reply to Zbigniew [Nick]
  • find the pad with edits for agreement related to data interventions [vas]
  • communicate with LUX group about deleting one karrot group and take action based on mandate [Nick]
  • ask Babette about payments between collectives [Nathalie]
  • chat to Essen für Alle about switching to opencollective [Nathalie]
  • reply to commons person [Bruno]

6. Closing Ceremony

  • 10 min
  • checkout