September 17, 2019, 11:44am
Date: 2019-09-17 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Bruno, Janina, Tilmann
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
set up and replace SparkPost with it (Tilmann)
split into vision and roadmap part and merged it (Tilmann, Janina)
trust graph analysis (John, Tilmann)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
make some statistics about which kind of emails get sent out frequently and which notification settings are enabled (Tilmann)
go through our hypotheses and talk with John; also check his research scripts (Tilmann)
document current email setup (Tilmann)
progress with remaining Quasar upgrade bugs (Tilmann)
ask some people in Solikyl why and how they use the trust system (Bruno)
3. Discussion
project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down
There is some good data about trust but no hypothesis was used to analyse it. Some of the ideas we discussed:
People who are more active in Karrot (and in the physical world) get more trust?
Are people with lots of trust anxious if people with less trust get the same rights as them?
Are people with lots of trust more likely to receive even more trust, especially from newcomers?
Reciprocity is strong: those who give trust expect trust back, and those who get trust feel they should give it back?
Invite by e-mail vs application
it should be more visible if the person was invited by e-mail or applied to the group. But not really many people use the invitation feature (mostly when starting a group?)
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-09-24 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Janina
September 24, 2019, 7:02am
September 24, 2019, 11:58am
Date: 2019-09-24 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Janina
Participants: Sandro, Tilmann, Janina, Nick, Bruno
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
discussed trust data analysis with John (Tilmann)
investigated email webhook security (Tilmann)
investigated failed email deliveries (Tilmann)
started fixing remaining Quasar bugs (Tilmann)
checked with a few people in my group how they use the trust system (Bruno)
made statistics about which kind of emails get sent out frequently and which notification settings are enabled how often: Grafana + Grafana (Tilmann)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
publish essentials of conversation with John (Tilmann)
implement webhook security, document current email setup (Tilmann)
progress with remaining Quasar upgrade bugs (Tilmann)
backend walkthrough call (Tilmann, Sandro)
ask a few more how they use the trust system and ask about notifications (Bruno)
3. Discussion
project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down
Sandro’s masters thesis
he really likes django and has worked with python a lot over the last years
would be great if he could find something to contribute to karrot because he finds it useful
doesn’t have to be about the trust system
hopefully Karrot is suitable for a CS masters program since it’s not super challenging from a technical POV
UX/UI stuff is tricky and uni Ulm apparently has a focus on psychology as well, but those things are painful…
Sandro would like to have a walkthrough for the backend to know better what he could work on
Bruno suggests public places for Sandro to work on - the detailed concept is still unclear
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-10-01 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
October 1, 2019, 11:55am
Date: 2019-10-01 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Bruno, Nick, Janina, Tilmann
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
did a walkthrough with Sandro (Tilmann)
implement webhook authentication (Tilmann)
write blog post about email setup (Tilmann)
did a little bit of fixing remaining UI bugs (Tilmann)
talked to Naomi about foodsaving in Stockholm and people’s perception of Karrot there (Bruno)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
publish essentials of conversation with John (Tilmann)
progress with remaining Quasar upgrade bugs (Tilmann)
progress with history export backend (Tilmann)
check if we can have a “Month of Karrot” in January at Kanthaus (Tilmann)
3. Discussion
project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down
Karrot apparently has problems on some Apple devices, how to improve?
could buy some second-hand Mac or iPhone
maybe write a post in the community forum if somebody knows an interested developer with Mac
could use BrowserStack or Saucelabs to test Karrot in virtual iPhones
How to use “Karrot money”?
Nick wants to work out some ideas on how to use it, based on solidarity
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-10-08 19:00 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Bruno
October 8, 2019, 6:17pm
Date: 2019-10-08 19:00 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Bruno, Sandro, Tilmann, Janina, Nick
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
fix a lot of remaining bugs and did a release (Tilmann)
did a phone call with Jan from Czech Republic about starting foodsaving and software ideas (Tilmann, Janina)
responded to some emails and feedback in the forum (Tilmann)
tried to draft something about trust and contacted Uni people about master thesis (Sandro)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
get into contact with developer in Gothenburg and invite for meeting (Bruno)
write an issue about pickups with duration still being visible (Bruno)
progress with history export backend (Tilmann)
publish essentials of research conversation with John (Tilmann)
3. Discussion
project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down
Sandro’s proposal about the trust system and other possible topics on his master thesis and ways to contribute to Karrot
funding from Sweden (Vinnova) on civic tech. Something to check out
pickups with end time visible until they end (Bruno will write an issue on that)
ideas from Belgium: Ideas from Leuven, Belgium
wondering about the effects and workings of the French law on food waste
Month of Karrot in January at Kanthaus. Confirmed!
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-10-14 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
October 10, 2019, 9:15am
Several people in Bikekitchen Gothenburg have told me they would want to be able to upload pictures to the chats in karrot, and perhaps would use it more if it was possible.
October 10, 2019, 10:13am
Sure! I added a new issue about it here:
By the way, it is already possible to reference images in all conversations using the Markdown syntax 
, but you need to host it using another service with https.
October 14, 2019, 11:20am
Date: 2019-10-14 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Sandro, Janina, Tilmann, Nick, Bruno
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
wrote a lot in the forum and a bit in Slack (Tilmann)
fixed backend translations (Tilmann)
merged history export backend (Tilmann)
wrote an issue about pickups with duration still being visible (Bruno)
use group logo for email header image (Nick)
chatted to Naomi about all things food saving (Nick)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
put foodsharing international FAQ somewhere (Janina)
replace international email on foodsharing | Team (Janina)
look through and personal TODO list for useful small tasks (Tilmann)
mark more tasks as starter tasks (Tilmann)
Karrotrust: Structuring feedback, consult karrot dev team and try to work on a better concept. (Sandro)
remind the friend again to give developer’s contact in Gothenburg (Bruno)
3. Discussion
think about a more streamlined foodsaving worldwide onboarding process
make it more welcoming for people who are looking for “foodsharing”
merge resources (,, community forum, international working group)
design a step-by-step process, e.g.
join community forum
create Karrot group
gather some people
save food!
save all other stuff
idea: make a Karrot promontional video with contributions from all groups
things like “We’re saving food in Warszawa with Karrot”
idea: a monthly foodsaving worldwide call; more people might be interested than in a Karrot call
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-10-21 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Bruno/Nick?
October 21, 2019, 11:36am
Date: 2019-10-21 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: ?
Participants: Nick, Tilmann, Sandrolo, Bruno
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
started UI for “sharing offers” feature (Nick)
chatted a bit with Sandro about trust and voting, etc (Nick)
went through all issues on Github, closing/commenting some (Tilmann)
change statistics calculation (Tilmann)
fix & speed up history export (Tilmann)
added some more backend stats, e.g about failed logins (Tilmann)
we now get a notification in #karrot-world-admin if somebody creates a new group (Tilmann)
Reading papers, talking to different people about trust, roles and group decisions (Sandro)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
Coming up with more concrete proposals for Master Thesis implementation that can fit Karrot (Sandro)
Getting feedback from group users about trust feature usage (and thresholds etc.) (Sandro)
Add filters to history lists (Tilmann)
3. Discussion
talked a lot about trust, roles and group decisions
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-11-04, 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
November 4, 2019, 12:36pm
Date: 2019-11-04 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Sandro, Tilmann, Janina, Bruno, Nick, Robin
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
3. Discussion
solidarity payments model? (nick)
Nick has some drafts that he wants to refine before releasing; he presented them and asked for feedback
positive feedback from Bruno, Tilmann and Janina
crowdfunding? (Bruno)
switch from to jitsi? (Tilmann)
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-11-11 12:30 (UTC+1) on Jitsi Meet
Next facilitator: Nick
November 17, 2019, 2:55pm
Date: 2019-11-11 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Bruno, Tilmann, Janina, Sandro, Nick
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
some small dependency upgrades, but not much focus time lately (Tilmann)
talked with Nick about the unused agreements feature (Tilmann)
Talked with Robin about his wish to include trigger abstraction into master thesis (Sandro)
Progressed a bit with offers, some backend tests (nick)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
Start implementation for Master Thesis (Sandro)
continue with history list filters (Tilmann)
refine date format in history CSV export (Tilmann)
continue on offers, focused on getting backend merged (nick)
3. Discussion
would be good to improve switching between groups (Bruno)
payday call scheduled at last friday of the month. first call 2019-11-29 12:30 (UTC+1)
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-11-18 12:30 (UTC+1) on
Next facilitator: Nick
Date: 2019-11-18 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Nick
Participants: Nick, Sandro, Bruno, Tilmann, Janina
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
started implementing karmantra (Master Thesis) - no real functionality yet (Sandro)
got offers backend merged (Nick)
progressed offers frontend (Nick)
did not read through Sandros docs again, ooops (Nick)
reviewed, merged and released two Pull Requests: address autocomplete and message grouping (Tilmann)
uploaded very early draft PR for history list filters (Tilmann)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
start implementing functionality for karmantra (Sandro)
offers backend/frontend small finishing bits (Nick)
continue history list filters, add date filters (Tilmann)
look at backend error: Sentry (Tilmann)
3. Discussion
[Nick] idea about extending group wall with other activities that users can react/comment on
long waffly conversation about foodsharing
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-11-25 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
November 25, 2019, 12:25pm
Date: 2019-11-25 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Bruno, Tilmann, Nick, Janina, (Mika)
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
Get deeper and start using a test framework for karmantra (Sandro)
push to get offer reviewed/merged (Nick)
feedback on Sandro codi document and/or general comments on git repo (Nick)
money meeting on Friday
test the speed of Karrot, where it is slow (bruno)
3. Discussion
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-12-02 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Bruno
December 2, 2019, 11:41am
December 2, 2019, 12:45pm
Date: 2019-12-02 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Tilmann, Janina, Bruno
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
ask around for iPhone to use for testing (Tilmann)
unbreak design, probably from quasar update (Tilmann)
add link to community forum and weekly call to karrot-frontend readme (Tilmann)
open an issue about reply by e-mails going into the wall instead of a thread (bruno)
test again if I get an e-mail notification for an offer I created and write on the forum (Bruno)
3. Discussion
activate offers on groups 10 57 68 and 71
update about funding possibilities in Gothenburg
talk about “money talk”
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-12-09 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
Date: 2019-12-09 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: All of us
Participants: Sandro, Nick, Bruno
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
Started implementing class generation for karmantra (Sandro)
First payday call! (nick)
Added performance timing stats (nick)
a few offer-related fixes (nick)
testing of offers, spreading the news (bruno)
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
investigate Improve group invitations by link · Issue #1559 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub (nick)
add new issue for adding group create button on the group preview overview page (nick)
nick and sandro to have call with code walkthrough on Thursday 12:30 (nick, Sandro)
roughly finish class generation for karmantra and maybe start this week with writing tests (Sandro)
register Master Thesis officially (Sandro)
write a forum post about offers feature being available (Bruno)
3. Discussion
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-12-16 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
Date: 2019-12-16 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Nick
Participants: Sandro, Nick, Bruno, Tilmann, Janina
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
Figure out how to implement mapping of triggers and roles (Sandro)
Start a draft for the description and about page (Bruno)
3. Discussion
foodsaving worldwide emails
not really getting answered right now
idea to setup an autoresponder to tell them to go to #introductions
email addresses in question are (possibly):
* (maybe? also harder to setup autoresponder for…)
January hack/meet-time? When? (nick)
tilmann/janina - whole of january,
sandro - 3rd week of january
bruno - talk to partner… bring franz or not? quite flexible, worst case a friday->monday block
nick - 3rd or 4th week
Kanthaus has a building week from 12th to 19th, might be a bit busier then: Wuppweek | Kanthaus
maybe 18th - 26th (with last weekend as “main” weekend if only arriving there)
somewhere to use nice icons? Ideenkatalog | foodsharing Städte (nick)
4. Next
Next meeting: 2019-12-23 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
December 23, 2019, 1:50pm
Date: 2019-12-23 12:30 (UTC+1)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Bruno, Tilmann, Janina, Mika
1. Last week review
write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project
2. Up this week
write down what you want to do for the project in the next days
continue with responsive images, otherwise look into history filters again (Tilmann)
3. Discussion
Do we need/want to keep Github?
using github is indirectly supporting fascism · Issue #1043 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub
Do we need to switch? This touches the big topic of ‘what to do make the world a better place?’… Our mission is not to avoid every dubious product or company, but to build software and promote sharing.
[Tilmann] Maybe we should write down in the Karrot readme the tradeoffs we are choosing, e.g. using proprietary, centralized platforms
[Bruno] It could also be in the “about” section on the website
4. Next
Next meeting: 2020-01-06 12:30 (UTC+1)
Next facilitator: Tilmann
Split this topic
February 1, 2021, 7:22pm
Split this topic
February 1, 2021, 7:21pm