New feature available! Offers

Hi everyone using Karrot! After some hard work from @nicksellen we can now put up offers and share food and things on our Karrot groups. Here’s a screenshot of an example, check it out:

Obs: This feature is not automatically available in every group! Let us know here if you’re interested in trying it out, so it can be activated for your group. Feedback is always welcome!

What does this feature do?

  • Any member within a group can put up one or many pictures and a description of an object that is being offered/shared. Every offer has its own conversation, for anyone to participate, show their interest in it or just ask questions.
  • The creator of an offer can mark the offer as accepted or archive it so it won’t be visible anymore at the offers page.
  • People will get notifications about new offers, unless they unsubscribe to it.

Things that it does not do, but could be implemented in the future

(depending on use and feedback)

  • Set a location for the offer (where to pick it up for example)
  • Set an “expire date”, so that the offer is no longer available after a certain day
  • Create (filter by) requests instead offers
  • Create a public offer or to another group

Czech translation is done.


Cool! Looks great. We would like it for the Warszawa group. Thanks!

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I enabled it for Foodsharing Warszawa.

would it be an idea to make offers available / visible “outside” of a group, to increase attractivness either for a group or the site in generall ? (similar to parallels to foodbaskets from

I think that this is something to be considered for the future, for sure.

Thanks! We already have first offers :).

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Hmm… looks like we received an email, bu the offer is not visible. First I thought that’s a problem with my phone, but on my laptop it’s the same.

I believe I had the same problem once. The offers page showed up empty for me, but then I refreshed or changed pages (can’t remember) and then I could see all the offers. I tried to reproduce this but couldn’t. I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of bug there.

I noticed that when having email notifications about offers disabled, there aren’t any indications whether a new offer has been created.

I had a look in the database, the offer was created at 2019-12-27 18:00:58.962676+00:00 then marked as accepted at 2019-12-27 18:02:04.832284+00:00 (just two minutes later).

I think it should show a message to say it’s no longer available, or something similar. At the moment it’s completely invisible from other users as if it never existed. We could just have a generic message saying something like: “Sorry, it looks like that offer is no longer available”, which would also be displayed if you put a random id in the url.

Whaddya think?

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Hi all,
is it possible to reorder cells in list? I can drag and drop cells but not make reposition.

Yes, I think that the button should be called differently. Our Jakub thought that “accept” reffers to him and accepted the offer. It reffers to that someone else wants this thing, it’s not more available. It is a bit confusing to use “accept” here. Maybe “already taken” or “archive” or “not available”. It would be cool if it would also be visible later on - as suggested by nicksellen.

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Limit of the Offers is 20? why?

How can I show 1st of 21 offers?

There’s almost no difference between “mark as accepted” and “mark as archived” as it is implemented right now, so maybe we could just remove “mark as accepted” to reduce confusion? @bruno

It makes sense with just one option to mark it as archived, simpler and less confusing. What do you think @karolina?

Makes sense! One option would be earlier and less confusing.

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yes, indeed! sorry I didn’t not implement pagination initially, just to get it out there as soon as possible, we have it listed as an item to do on Follow-up to "offers" · Issue #1908 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub.

by the way, how are the offers working out for you? you’re just trying them out? or people are finding them useful?

good idea! I added it as a point on the offers follow up issue → Follow-up to "offers" · Issue #1908 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub

thank You :slight_smile:

I just start using this feature as a small reward for collecting. I want to offer several things for re-use within community. Everything is free for picking. But the process of building community is a little bit slow…

btw… the function is pretty, simple and sufficient