Weekly call about Karrot development 2019

Hey everybody!

To make Karrot development a bit more personal and have high-bandwidth discussions, we invite you to join our weekly call. We usually talk about upcoming features and their details, how development is progressing and in which direction Karrot should evolve.

Check the last posts in this thread to find the next date!

If you are interested to join, please let us know by replying to this thread.

If you already have some topics for discussion, please add them to the “Discussion” section in Disroot pads.

I’ll post the meeting minutes in here after the call. In the call, we will also decide when the next one will be be (probably skipping one week due to summer activities).

All the best,


Just one addition: Having video chats also is a much more personal way of communicating and we’d be really happy about anybody joining in!

You know, we want you to become involved and we’d like to get to know you more to understand your perspectives better and to become like one big team! :blush:

Also, these meetings don’t take ages. After one hour we’re usually done

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I would like to join but on Fridays at this time I regularly have weekly calls at work with my big boss (my boss’ boss) which I’m supposed to attend :slight_smile: I will try another time.

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Ah what a shame! What time would generally be better for you?

Date: 2019-07-05
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Tilmann, Bruno, Janina

1. Last week(s) review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • added internal stats about people using unsubscribe links on the bottom of notification emails (Tilmann)
  • add “unsubscribe all” button to settings menu (Janina, Tilmann)
  • think about bell notification settings, start implementing backend API (Tilmann, Janina)
  • continue with CSV history export, requires making sense of old inconsistent history entries (Tilmann)
  • frontend dependency upgrading: Storybook https://storybook.karrot.world, Quasar Framework (Tilmann)
  • started analyzing trust data with graph algorithms (Tilmann)
  • drafted p2p sharing feature (Bruno)
  • organize international meet-up at the foodsharing festival in Berlin: https://www.foodsharing-festival.org/ (Janina)

2. Up next

write down what you want to do for the project in the next 7 days

  • find out from DIgidem Lab if there is deadline to make the payment (Bruno)
  • continue working on upgrading, history export and bell notification settings (Tilmann)

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down during the meeting

  • Default place page is “pickups” now, could be a setting per place (Bruno)
    • I’d show “wall” by default if there are no pickups (Tilmann)
    • could be confusing, both of them (Janina)
  • old pending applications could be declined automatically if they are inactive for a long time, e.g. one month (Tilmann)
  • Next call in two weeks due to summer activities? (Tilmann)
    • 2019-07-17 18:00 seems a good date
  • Next facilitator? Tilmann for next time

Next call will be today! 2019-07-17T16:00:00Z

Date: 2019-07-17 18:00
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Tilmann, Bruno, Janina

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • Wrote an invoice (Nick)
  • Brief presentation about Karrot at https://move-utopia.de/ (Janina, Tilmann)
  • Upgraded the operating system on the karrot.world server, upgraded backend dependencies that require Python 3.6 (Tilmann)

2. Up this week

write down what you want to do for the project in the next 14 days

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down during the meeting

  • Do we have a long-term vision and a short-term plan for what Karrot should be? (Bruno)
    • Karrot fulfilled its original vision (to help foodsaving groups organize their pickups), any new vision should not conflict with the original one (Tilmann)
    • Generalizing is generally appreciated but it’s unclear how exactly to go about it.
    • We don’t really dare to tackle the big vision question as long as the team is so small. On the other hand we know that we need to have a clear(er) vision to be able to recruit people.
  • General purpose theme
    • Additionally to foodsaving and bike kitchen.
    • Only for prototyping, built similarly as the bike kitchen one.
    • Could be used to introduce free shop groups to Karrot.
    • Janina is motivated to work on this, Bruno is motivated to recruit groups.
  • Picture upload in wall mesages
  • Next meeting: 2019-07-31 12:00
  • Next facilitator: Bruno

So it would be ok for me to start another group? Iwe been talking about that for months, but never got clear on if its ok, and now im afraid iw lost a lots of the contacts i needed.


Yes sure, feel free to create another group! Karrot is the “secret” link, in case you didn’t have it yet.

As soon as the general purpose theme is done, we can switch your group over.

Reminder: call 2019-07-31T10:00:00Z

It’s an open meeting, so anyone who’s interested in Karrot development is welcome!

Date: 2019-07-31 12:00
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Bruno, Tilmann, Janina

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • continue upgrading to Quasar v1, now ~60% done. Have been working on it almost 2 weeks in summary by now, progress feels sluggish
  • had a look at the bike kitchen theme to prepare creation of general purpose theme (Janina)
  • got added to the WandelbĂŒndnis/Kreis Digitalis wechange group (Janina)
  • started writing the document on the vision and roadmap, about 50% done Disroot pads. (Bruno)

2. Up this week

_ write down what you want to do for the project in the next 7 days_

  • Finishing the first draft of vision and roadmap document (Bruno)
  • continue upgrading Quasar (Tilmann)
  • continue with general purpose theme (Janina)

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down

Date: 2019-08-07 12:00
Facilitator: Janina
Participants: Bruno, Tilmann, Janina

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • upgrading Quasar, spent lots of time with PickupEdit and PickupSeriesEdit forms (Tilmann)
  • wrote more on the vision/roadmap (Bruno)
  • did the frontend part of the general purpose theme (Janina)
  • Disa created a group that wants the general purpose theme (Karrot)
  • enabled Letzebuergesch locale (Janina)
  • joined the foodsharing festival sleeping spot exchange group to try and find some for the solikyl group (Janina)

2. Up this week

_ write down what you want to do for the project in the next 7 days _

  • write in the solikyl forum about the sleep situation in Berlin (Janina)
  • do the backend part of the general purpose theme (Janina, Tilmann)
  • continue upgrading Quasar, post some screenshots on the forum (Tilmann)
  • emphasize trust and direct democratic governance on vision text (Bruno)
  • ask Sylvia from EfA for a link to their Karrot docs (Janina)

3. Discussion

_project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down _

  • Bruno’s vision/roadmap text: Janina and Tilmann like it very much. There will be more discussion and some kind of formal adoption needed until we put it on any website, but we all like the direction.
    • general purpose theme is almost done, next point on Bruno’s proposed roadmap is facilitation of navigation between groups. This is also a point that Janina and Tilmann find useful, especially the clearly sketched out drop-down button on the upper left of the page.
    • behavior of notifications when in multiple groups: when the (message or bell) notification from another group is clicked the group should automatically be switched. There seem to be some bugs still, where this is not the case, e.g: threads
    • dashboard: would require more thought and work. will not happen super soon, but sounds like a nice feature for people in multiple groups.
    • more emphasis on trust and direct democratic governance: explanation of why we want to keep stores open and a lot of editors in any group; why we sometimes don’t fulfill user wishes that go into the other direction
  • multigroup use case brainstorming/dreaming:
    • ‘umbrella groups’ or simply pages based on location could be cool to give an overview if there are many groups in one area
    • ‘umbrella groups’ could have limited purposes, be public or open and don’t be fully featured
    • who would have the rights to edit open/public umbrella groups? everyone? it could also be a place that is shared between groups, so the people who have editing rights in those groups also have them in the umbrella group (rights inheritance is quite complex from a programming perspective)
    • location-based info pages could even be auto-generated and just contain the local groups with logo and description displayed as tiles

4. Next

Next meeting: 2019-08-14 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Tilmann

@Janina: four of us that are going to Berlin from solikyl have found the perfect oldscool tent that we want to live in at the festival, two of us have relatives to sleep at in Berlin. So its already fixed.

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Reminder: next call in 30 minutes :slight_smile:

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Date: 2019-08-14 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Tilmann
Participants: Tilmann, Bruno, Janina

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • continued upgrading Quasar, now 8000+ lines changed
 .Upgrade to Quasar v1 by tiltec · Pull Request #1690 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub (Tilmann)
  • got the general purpose theme merged, group 70 is now set to ‘general’ (Janina, Tilmann)
  • further inquired about sleeping situation of Solikyl guests in Berlin, unfortunately none were found (Janina)
  • Sylvia sent the EfA guide about Karrot (Janina)
  • checked on a couple of groups interested in adopting Karrot (Bruno)

2. Up this week

write down what you want to do for the project in the next 7 days

  • finish upgrading Quasar, definitely publish forum post with screenshots (Tilmann)
  • have the international meetup at the foodsharing festival in Berlin (Janina)
  • take a look at the vision/roadmap text, rewrite stuff (Bruno)

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down

  • Where do we want to put the vision text? Could go in the repository, on karrot.world, on foodsaving.world or the community forum.
    • Repository seems fine for now, maybe later extract some blocks of text for karrot.world and foodsaving.world respectively.

4. Next

Next meeting: 2019-08-21 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Bruno

Date: 2019-08-21 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Bruno
Participants: Janina, Tilmann, Bruno

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • small changes to the vision text (Bruno)
  • some testing of notifications (Bruno)
  • continued upgrading Quasar, now done with UI and in the middle of fixing tests (Tilmann)
  • held international meetup at foodsharing festival in Berlin (Janina)
  • read the EfA Karrot guide (Janina)

2. Up this week

write down what you want to do for the project in the next 10 days

  • update URL to Video Meetings, Video Conferencing, and Screen Sharing - Whereby (formerly appear.in) (Tilmann)
  • write forum post about Quasar upgrade when released to dev.karrot.world (Tilmann)
  • change group 71 to general theme (Tilmann)
  • do some more usability tests for notifications (Bruno)
  • make a PR eventually on the vision text (Bruno)
  • read the vision text and come up with a plan of where to put it and how, maybe even integrate with constitution? (Janina)

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down

  • settings for (e-mail) notifications
    • wall toggle: icons are kinda confusing. how about changing the green bell with the envelope, the crossed out bell with the green bell and the crossed out eye with the crossed out bell? (bruno)
    • we can rethink this, but it needs to have a good concept and alignment with other icon usages, like in this case in the message notifications. (tilmann)
    • I would like to change icons, there is still a lot of confusion in our icon usage. the bell is also wrong in this case, because wall messages don’t create bell notifications but message notifications. (janina)
  • chips: colors and their meaning
    • chips in message notification menu are grey if wall toggle is set to muted (crossed out bell)
    • chips in sidenav are always green for group wall
    • chips in sidenav are green for store walls if subscribed or muted; there is no chip if there’s no subscription
    • chips could be cool to have always in the sidenav, just greyed out if it’s a place you didn’t subscribe to. because I think that people often might subscribe to a place if they see that there is something going on. but how can they know if they’re not shown the activity? (bruno)
    • from a database point of view that would mean that everybody is subscribed to everything - just invisibly. (tilmann)
  • place subscriptions: if you comment on the wall you’re automatically subscribed to the conversation but you did not automatically star the place
  • emails vs. website notifications
    • emails seem to be a whole different category. having them mixed into the settings of e.g. the wall toggle causes confusion. maybe we should take them out of there completely. (janina)
    • we need a clearer language so that we can come up with a clearer concept to then finally implement it. (tilmann)
    • this stuff is really complex
    • how should the software know when and how to bug people about something? there are at least three different levels (email, website and push in the app or browser), and the website level alone comes in different forms (notification menus, chips, different colors). (tilmann)

4. Next

Next meeting: 2019-08-31 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Janina

Proposal: let’s replace the Etherpad with something that understands Markdown syntax, e.g. CodiMD. We have one at Kanthaus: Weekly call about Karrot development - pad - HedgeDoc
Then it’s easier to copy the text without introducing lots of unnecessary newlines.


Next call is starting in 5 minutes at Video Meetings, Video Conferencing, and Screen Sharing - Whereby (formerly appear.in). :slightly_smiling_face:

Date: 2019-08-31 12:30 (UTC+2)
Facilitator: Janina
Participants: Tilmann, Bruno, Janina

1. Last week review

write down some words or a paragraph about stuff you did related to the project

  • wrote issue #1704 about location-based overview pages (Janina)
  • merged Quasar upgrade and deployed to dev.karrot.world! Then I made a long list of things that are still broken (Tilmann)
  • didn’t do shit related to Karrot (Bruno)

2. Up this week

write down what you want to do for the project in the next 10 days

  • take new screenshots of the app for google play store (Bruno)
  • fix bugs in dev.karrot.world (Tilmann)
  • create a pr for the vision text (Bruno, Janina)

3. Discussion

project-related topics that you’d like to discuss with other participants. Positions and outcomes should be noted down

  • political questions in foodsharing leipzig as well as solikyl: food donations to activist events sparked very similar discussions
    • is the organisation supporting the event or the individual foodsavers? if it’s the foodsavers they of course can do what they want with the food they saved, but the organisation’s name shouldn’t be used for polarizing things - already for pr reasons
    • what can which platform be used for? controversial book recommendations in solikyl’s karrot group, as well as activist training camp on foodsharing.de were rejected by quite a few people. line of reasoning: ‘this is not about foodsaving!’
    • how political is foodsaving? can climate skeptics be foodsavers? are foodsaving groups always climate justice initiatives? → not necessarily, but the discussion seems to be coming up in many places.
  • quasar upgrade: things look more square, fonts in menus seem smaller
    • [bruno] it looks less friendly but might be better for navigation because it offers better overview
    • [tilmann] there are still a lot of bugs, my list is already super long. I don’t know if I can fix them all next week, probably not. but if I have a good enough feeling I will still deploy to production and then keep on fixing the bugs there.

4. Next

Next meeting: 2019-09-09 12:30 (UTC+2)
Next facilitator: Tilmann

Reminder: next call today at 2019-09-09T10:30:00Z at Video Meetings, Video Conferencing, and Screen Sharing - Whereby (formerly appear.in)