Date: 2023-03-28
Facilitator: Nick
Minutes: Nick
Participants: Nathalie, Vas, Nick
1. Opening
- 10 min Check in
5 min ADMIN
- attendance (write down participants)
- duration: 1:30h
- information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
- next meeting:
- next Wednesday co-working: Nathalie, Nick, Vas
- next nlnet co-working: check later in agenda
- money review friday: moved into todays agenda, let’s see
- next Tuesday general:
- pick facilitator for next week: you? your karrot needs you!: Vas
2. Consent to agenda
- 2 min
3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes
- make a time poll for a feedback session [vas]
- reply fosc e-mail [someone co-working]
4. Discussion points
- nlnet funding [RED?]
- Karrot entrust application - HedgeDoc
- HedgeDoc - Collaborative markdown notes
- Attachments - HedgeDoc
- list of tasks to submit as PDF attachment
- would be nice to get feedback and broader consent
- clarifying questions & reactions
how to assign tasks to people?
who is in there? numbers? process? (e.g. who is listed on it)
adding tasks as attachment sounds good idea
some clarity of which tasks won’t fit that can be worked on now, so not too dependent on this to start working
maybe can copy/paste some parts from previous application, e.g. previous projects/organisations section
part to write a description of ourselves, wondering how to make sure we get the parts
important to fit in things we’d like to work on, not just a list of things we can work on, so look at personal motivation
last time on NLnet put all the milestones, really vague on money related to tasks, how you gonna use money incluiding rates, a bit tighter, i want that myself (Nick), that is sth I am consious, to work on get consent and explore
my sense to have it that ppl put tasks willing to be responsible for, there might be delays…put things ppl are wiling to work on and formulate themselves, was pushing tilman on that as well.
came up with the idea of handling the rate:
- a rate we will be willing to work on that 15/20/25?
- chargable rate x2, x1,5
- decide how much allocate to the stuff
- estimate tasks
- we neeed to make a number
- add ppl on the application
- bump Nick over tax (nick) given we dont have a karrot bank. accoount
- internal would what u get, other part is the karrot fund
round Q & R
Nathalie: a good starting point, about the rates, I m putting my internal rate >15euros, 20 - 25. Adress the bank account thing. Karrot bank account? → Legalizing topic.
Bruno: like the proposal of the two rates, also started thinking about needs about formalizing things a little more, self-employed or karrot-as-employer, exploring that a bit now, goes into organisational structure stuff, have to interact with bureaucracy, connected with bank/money stuff, etc. legal entities, … first reaction to tasks: “don’t think I can do much here”, seems more code related… but did see more design/community engagement stuff, hard to estimate things, will try to estimate average weekly contribution time, and sense of tasks, fine with rate idea, wish to end up receiving more than current amount, seems that this plan will go there
Vasilis: ok with the rates we suggested, don’t know about market rate, regarding bank accounts, if we do need it then need legal status, opens up new discussion, uk, elsewhere?, could also open up opportunities for other funding that needs legal status, so would like to work towards that direction, need to submit rate, do we need to budgeting? personal reaction: depends when/if we start, could spend sometimes like 2 days/week, depends on others capacity/motivations too, quite a few tasks to do, esp. research and engagement with communities, and can foresee collaboration with Nathalie/Bruno there, like to work with other people
Nick: relieved that ppl are ok ish with the money idea on rates, to have more foormalisedd structure there. we can get more real on what we need in our life. bring some of the needs up.
rate quite like to decided it today. it is asked for. make it concrete. Would propose 20 as internal rate.
3 rates: low rate 15,mid 20-25, high 30-40. Nathalie had similar thooughts, 21.50€ was the magic number,20 is quite a good number, make a proposal 20, 1.5x20 =30 for the application, 2/3 going to the person, 1/3 distributed Karrot fund
one thing that could be set up is an open collective account, maybe we could set up, there are some fees, maybe its worth it
we need to do budgeting, how to estimate hours on a task its hard, we just have to do the best on that
consent round?
- rate of 20, 1.5x20 =30 for the application, 2/3 going to the person, 1/3 distributed Karrot fund
- Nat: wonder if its in my tolerance rate? why not 22?
- Bruno: consent, we could raise it a little bit, 21,5/22 or we just leave it as it is, at the end, you count with ur own rate, internal rating? calculate the total
- Vas: +1 Bruno
- Nick: would like the same for eveybody, maybe we havent got time to work the system, flat rate is a starting point of equality, start with the same rate this time. Re-make proposal 22,33 rate. Uncertainty on NLnet on market rates.
- rate of 22€, 1.5x22 =33€ for the application, 2/3 going to the person, 1/3 distributed Karrot fund
- Nat: Consent
- Bruno: Consent
- Vasilis: Consent
- Nick: Consent
- comment: stress that this is a self-employment rate
- rate of 20, 1.5x20 =30 for the application, 2/3 going to the person, 1/3 distributed Karrot fund
- how to get the task list in shape, so people have things they feel comfortable with
- Nathalie: looking at tasks and availability, won’t take on many, maybe one, happy for others to take on more, esp. coding ones, fine for imbalance of numbers within the team, if someone has motivation, great! coherent documentation one, could be nice, if it fits… could bring to co-working and get help to frame it, topics/pages/link to forums/videos, info about how the features work in details, have been thinking on this for a while, might be only thing to work on. also general feedback: really impressed by whole process, read through the tasks, sitting and nodding
surprised by ActivityPub focus, didn’t see karrot in federated space before… not so into design things right now, e.g. the roles stuff. something to constantly work on would feel nice.
- Bruno: leaves in anger
- Vasilis: we mentioned the manual thing before, but didn’t include it, … fits with general themes
- Nick: surfacing motivations and mush things in the framing, not bad if a milestne doesnt 100% fit in. On the documentation, I would support that, one thing i conceived of that. Coding and not coding way.
- Nathalie: looking at tasks and availability, won’t take on many, maybe one, happy for others to take on more, esp. coding ones, fine for imbalance of numbers within the team, if someone has motivation, great! coherent documentation one, could be nice, if it fits… could bring to co-working and get help to frame it, topics/pages/link to forums/videos, info about how the features work in details, have been thinking on this for a while, might be only thing to work on. also general feedback: really impressed by whole process, read through the tasks, sitting and nodding
- roles stuff?
- Nathalie: feeling space for new things smaller, feels it takes energy, could be fine anyway, feels like a pre-existing idea, not sure how much we’ll shake this anyway, if others work on it, and there’s moments for feedback
- Vas: roles very important, can see collaborating with bruno and nathalie
- Nathalie: willingness to really listen to groups too small for this feature, have ideas but feels a stretch to work them in, can see listening to group needs would work, and maybe merge in
- feels more able to be self-directed to do the documentation part
- might re-think participation in roles stuff
- what now, until submission?
- Nathalie:
- work on task list, assign people, time/money correlation, double check the names where people feel responsible and we need from those people
- then writing the other parts of the application that Nick/Vas took on
- CSX part, might talk more in co-working, less clear, bigger topics would be good to have more focus and time, but personally have less time and not wanting to expand it, will think more about it
- Vasilis:
- looking at application itself, abstract needs a couple of edits, but mostly OK
- past engagements with similar projects, to support why we’re capable, needs the involvement of all of us, 2 lines per person (short tailor made CV)
- explain what the budget would be for, would like support of someone else on that
- significant technical challenges, also need support on
- can take the lead on historic efforts, and engagement ecosystem
- can engage on the 4 sections, and have good draft by end of co-working tomorrow
- bigger question we didn’t discuss, how much money we ask for, needs some monetizing of the tasks, or the reverse way
- have first good version by tomorrow? then maybe another co-working on Friday, or maybe even Thursday and Friday, can fix schedule to focus on that
- looking at application itself, abstract needs a couple of edits, but mostly OK
- Nick:
- responsible for explaining budget
- task/budget allocation in a spreadsheet
- get a total amount
- 5 people to put on /
- availabilities:
- Tilman is in! → 10h/ week
- Vas: 10-16h/week
- Nick: 2-3 days/week
- Nathalie 5h/week
- another coworking end of this week, finish by fridy 7pm
- Nick does final submission on saturday morning
- Nathalie:
New Member Introduction
- Ashley, and I’m currently a college student looking to get more experience in web development
- 5/6/7 pm UTC would work
- student from USA, maybe 2
- could have an evening call
- would like feedback on how we move on, as they are looking to hear back from us
- reactions
- Nathalie: wasn’t thinking so much initially as “college student” thing, but more in new contributor, onboarding frame of mind, like as we do with groups that want to use karrot, could see how connection goes, feel a bit obliged to reply and make call happen, could enjoy the call, framing is unclear now
- Vasilis: wondering where they came across Karrot? remember it was in a list of projects somewhere, maybe there, definately don’t have energy for a call with student at the minute, great if you can take it on, maybe it’s for their dissertation or thing for uni, maybe have something quite specific so they can choose
- Nick: unmotivated to put a lot of energy in, in the past: full of enthusiams at the beginning, a lot of help needed, becoming an (unpaid) coding tutor, when close to deadline: rush something that satisfies uni, not very useful to Karrot or the groups in the end, just trying to be clear about situation, maybe a better project that has more funding and that is part of their job to do funding, not a lot of time either, not very clear what they want. Find something they can work on themseves. Can’t think of any tasks at the moment. Probably the only person that could support them (technically)
- want to support students
- unclear exactly how to proceed
- could bring to co-working
- Nick offers to write definitive no
Next time:
- money review: Review the amounts of how much money we receive [E]
- standing point: organizational structure [E]
5. Actions/Outcomes
- make a time poll for a feedback session [vas]
- reply fosc e-mail [someone co-working]
- continue to work on nlnet application [all]
6. Closing Ceremony
- 10 min
- checkout