Date: 2023-03-14
Facilitator: Bruno
Minutes: all
Participants: Nathalie, Nick, Bruno
1. Opening
- 10 min Check in
5 min ADMIN
- attendance (write down participants)
- duration: 1:30h
- information: any (non-karrot) announcements? unavailabilities?
- next meeting:
- next Wednesday co-working: yes
- next Tuesday general: Bruno won’t make it, meeting is happening
- pick facilitator for next week: you? your karrot needs you!: Nick
2. Consent to agenda
- 2 min
3. Review last week’s Actions/Outcomes
- change the forum post accordingly [Vas] - done!
- change the activity series [bruno] - done
- write to Daniel [Nathalie] - done
- engage with the thread about festival and workshop [all] - been read
- contacting fosc people? try and get call after the 18th of March [Nathalie introduces each other] - done
- jot down some thoughts [Nick to initiate that?] - done
- make a time poll for a feedback session [vas]
4. Discussion points
- find a time for design session/ retrospection session on roles feature [D]
- would like to discuss roles vs membership, getting the concept clear
- do a design process
- would be nice to see how groups are using it, do it after/during the feedback session maybe
- Nathalie has some ideas, but when/where should it be shared?
- a quick one now then get the feedback
- been thinking about the definition of roles, now it’s more connected to membership
- role allows you to do something
- assigning some specific tasks is what a role is (relating to sociocracy)
- approved role and trust giving is more like a membership type
- operative roles, like participant types: how can they be displayed?
- volunteer, grassroots organisation might have a bigger need to define different types of membership
- Reactions
- questions: what should be coded and what’s open for the group to decide? editor a special role, leave it like that, approved role linked to participate in acticities, unsure what else should be in the software
- roles related to participant types, comes and goes
- new onboarding process involced new type of membership
- idea of badges (board member etc)
- would like clear concept of this besides the technical implementation
- useful to think about what groups are like, make patterns visible, user and group needs
- what do we want to support with Karrot?
- exisiting groups and existing features, how to fuse the concepts
- nothing in the software which is causing harm
- love to enage with this kind of abstract thinking
- editor role came out of a need for an admin function, more like a reaction
- be more intentional about design in the future
- draft making could happen already
- create a thread on the forum is one idea
- Nathalie could take responsibility - think about it
- commons consortium eu funding thing [RE]
- Next Generation Internet: "*** open call *** A 14M€ call is open for pilotin…" - EU Voice
- Ivan from bonfire contacted Nick
- direct EU funding thing - big
- build a consortium of projects
- open-source digital commons
- projects in the consortium already funded by NGI
- high-level vision: bunch of software as alternative
- centered around coopcloud project
- details needs to be worked out more
- set up a Karrot instance by click (no admin knowledgde)
- set up other tools alongside
- maybe even integration
- weave together all different software into federated network
- money distributed to collective
- democratic governance between all collectives and instances
- Karrot side: fit Karrot into a system, not huge part for Karrot
- short to deadline
- they’ve contacted Sociocracy for All too
- might be useful to have a call
- Reactions
- great management skills needed
- nice vision
- maybe Brunos friend from would be interested
- funny that Nathalie heard about it through FOSC/ SoFA
- do we need a decision? feedback now would be could, somthing we can communicate to them
- more clarity needed
- how does federation come into it?
- vision is now clearer
- feel that we never discussed enough in Karrot about the issue of federation, but cool for Karrot to be there
- skeptical about the organisational bit: do people know what they’re getting into?
- that’s some big bucks there! and could ruin things
- experience with projects that scale
- who is leading it? bonfire and cloudcoop?
- governance of he whole thing, regular meetings? general assembly?
- for Karrot: do we want to work directly with it?
- is federation a crucial part of it? is that a part of the vision to federate all the software?
- still positive about it
- up for rewriting some thoghts to put into matrix channel
- concerns around EU bureaucracy(?)
- federation as a governance org federation, tech federation as a bonus
- org
- similar software instances
- across different software
- how could Karrot relate?
- pilot project
- being core part of it
- proposal within Karrot short-term
- do we want to continue with this proposal?
- set up a call with Karrot
- nlnet funding [RE]
- April 1 deadline
- maybe bring to coworking
- similar to what we did before
- they have different names
- NGI zero entrust
- familiar names on list of projetcs
- Karrot would fit into that
- 5000 to 50000 proposals
- could be a smaller one
- or a bigger one?
- motivation to get more money!
- last nlnet went reasonably well
- scale feels more do-able than the consortium thing
- not such a daunting committment
- up for thinking more about it
- how clear do we need to be in the application?
- might be worth going for!
- offline process? build a sceleton
- spread work over a longer period of time
- 50.000 for 2-3 years?
- concerns: making specific proposals for an MoU sets our priorities, and would be quite rushed
- e.g. deciding in the next 2 weeks what we focused on for another year is not ideal
- feels a bit like setting something in stone, kind of
- some talk about our financial situations
Up next:
- standing point: organizational structure [E]
5. Actions/Outcomes
- engage again with the thread on new features ane do a time poll to meet and discuss and find a day for a co-working/design session [anyone co-working]
- reply fosc e-mail [someone co-working]
- rewrite thoughts and questions about EU funding to put it back into the matrix channel [Nick]
- look into and prod about nlnet funding, and/or explore in co-working tomorrow [Nick]