date: 2020-05-24 11:45 UTC+2 / CEST
faciliator: nick
participants: nick, bruno, tilmann, janina, taïs, felix (silent)
review of previous period
as we haven’t done these before, it might be a bit vague, as we don’t have anything specific to reflect on.
but, we can do a little general structure retrospective structure:
what went well?
most previous roadmap points were fulfilled!
calls kept regular, success!
nice team feeling regenerated (sandro, active nick)
getting the new landing page done in a collaborative way
moving to new cool tools (rocket chat) still alive and happy
what went not so well? didn’t happen, all felt vague and loose
progressively lost focus on the calls (Janina)
low forum activity
relatively low development activity compared to the last years
DLC did not adopt karrot after test phase
open questions on your mind?
“save things from being wasted, share them instead” → does that fit to diversification goals for groups?
how do we get more groups to join?
how to find the right balance and work flow again? (janina)
how to get quality feedback from the groups? join their groups or somehow encourage them to join our channels?
personal roadmaps
what is the general shape/rhythm of your life in the next 3 months? (June-August)
Bruno: I might have more time if we’re able to organise well at home, since Madde will stop working
Tilmann: roof work, Mika care, visits to other places; happy to spend some time on the computer
Janina: Mika, roof, foodsharing, Karrot; hard to get started with short periods of focus time
Tais: Thesis, thesis, thesis! Participation in Karrot will go down as the final deadline approaches.
Nick: Maybe moving house soon, maybe coming to Kanthaus for a while? Other than that all seems well.
what is your karrot/fsww focus likely to be in those 3 months?
0 - none at all, count me out for this one, maybe next time!
1 - I can’t really dedicate much time, I might swing by the chat/forum here and there (Taïs: 1.7)
2 - I have many other projects to work on, but I want to keep active somehow (Janina)
3 - I can likely make some contributions (Tilmann)
4 - it is one of only a few main projects for me (Bruno, Nick)
5 - it is my main project right now
what are your interests/priorities in that time? some thought hints:
any more specific focus areas? (e.g. improving offers, refactoring vuex stores, getting feedback from groups)
Tilmann: I want to mostly work on smallish things that I can maybe read up in one evening and then finish it quickly - so that I can drop in and out on a weekly basis. I’d like to improve existing features. I don’t have anything concrete in my mind but I know there are some issues I can get started on. I’m also always keen on resolving bugs I find. With upgrading dependencies it is an ongoing work anyways. There’s also this old pull request about filtering the history that I have already spent some time on; I hope that I can finish this in the next weeks. I also want to focus more on the app, because it’s not so slick and useful as it is right now. Would be cool to improve it and then also advertise it more.
balance of dreaming / conceptualizing / doing?
Tilmann: mostly doing, a bit of conceptualisation
are you looking for stuff to do or focused on getting stuff done?
Janina: getting stuff done!
which bigger visions of karrot are most motivating to you at the moment?
Bruno: continue learning and working on simple tasks on the frontend that are feasible for me. I’m motivated to work more generally on one or both of the 2 topics/features that I wrote about on the chat: governance and public places. I see both as part of a bigger vision in making Karrot especially useful for the internal work of groups to self-organize in an open and democratic way and the external part of connecting them to facilitate movement-building. Inwards and outwards. Improving offers is also something that sooner or later I’d like to do. I’m flexible to focus on whatever depending on other people’s motivation and time, which is the whole point of this call for me.
Tilmann: Bigger vision points that still motivate me are generalization (even though it’s a bit too big for me to do it part-time) and the point that using Karrot should be enjoyable for people.
Janina: refactoring my processes, especially to spread the concept of saving food via cooperations, how to build a network; start/revive working groups related to foodsaving worldwide, especially the English translation department; make foodsharing users aware that foodsaving worldwide exists and that they can contribute to it if they are travelling (better communication for task delegation); make a better structure for myself
Nick: I started a bit with this vision of customization again so that users can make Karrot their own. It’s more dreaming than anything right now, but it motivates me. There’s little bits of doing in there as well. User input on design processes is another thing that motivates me a lot these days. I want to come up with a much clearer idea on how we develop features and get an online process going. I see a structure emerging that could work. I also want to help others, in particular Valentin, Bruno and Tais. The general purpose governance has probably quite some thinking to do; add more sanctions to conflict resolution processes is more doing. Generalization consists of a lot of sub topics and I’d like to get a better overview on the whole thing. There’s work to do on both the conceptual and the doing level.
Tais: I want to focus on the screencast tutorials cause I won’t have much more time anyways.
what might you be able to offer others to help them?
Bruno: Collect feedback, improve usability, conceptualizing and communication in general. More especifically: work with Taïs on tutorial videos, work with Nick on (re-)thinking the generalization/customization topic. Help Janina with the Swedish networking. Feedback for Tilmann, testing…
Tilmann: I can help implementing some stuff if it’s clearly specified. I can give advice and explain e.g. Karrot architecture to Bruno and maybe even Nick. I can try to help Janina structure her work time.
Janina: give feedback on texts about conceptualisations and dreaming visions; also participate in the vision/dreaming!
Nick: share meta-organisation experience with Janina to try to help with work/life structure issues; help Bruno with code learning; participate in broad vision discussions; clarify issues to help Tilmann jump straight into implementation
Tais: I can help motivate Tilmann! Participation in some discussions will be something I can do. Please don’t feel that you can’t ask me anything because I’ll be busy! (except big vision stuff)
what might you like from others to help you achieve this?
Bruno: Discussing the ideas and writing the code (learning process, technical expertise) I guess.
Tilmann: It’s definitely helpful for me to see any kind of activity on Karrot, it boosts my motivation. I’d like to see someone push the topic of documentation (be it for users or devs) cause then I’d probably join in as well.
Janina: help to find tasks to delegate to
Nick: get feedback on blurbs (about big topics like generalisation);
Tais: would be cool if the momentum around the screencasts could be kept up.
do you want to participate in the karrot money circle for this period?
Bruno: maybe, mostly out of curiosity if I do. I do not intend to take any payment.
Tilmann: yes, I think I would.
Janina: yes, mainly because it still feels weird…^^
Nick: yes, I’m running out of money (laughs)
Tais: I don’t think I would, unless I don’t have anything to do when the call is on.
outcome: nicely formatted text everybodies personal roadmaps to go on the forum thread
consensus / summary of what we’re doing
See how our different ideas/visions fit together, and try and get some consensus/focus areas we work on together.
clarified the projects I want to work on and defined Karrot as number one
got a lot of personal motivation on both the smaller and bigger scale
we managed to progress some of the user specific issues
progress on the design process topic
generalization became a lot more concrete
what went not so well?
a lot of the concrete tasks were not done
didn’t achieve any of the new things wanted to implement, got stuck and couldn’t get unstuck, some focus but didn’t lead anywhere, good code solutions were elusive! things getting too big and rough edges, got distracted
still missing contact with the more established groups on karrot, we’re kind of in a parallel world to the people in the groups
didn’t restructure international working groups on report system restructure took a lot of focus
design process got a bit vague and not as concrete and specific as wished for
screencast got dropped
somehow things feel a bit slow
open questions on your mind?
how to get unstuck on development, personally
when will the report system be done??!?!?!
how/when will the international working groups restructure happen?
how can we (re)connect more with the groups? will the community design sprint serve this goal?
how to keep the momentum flowing during travels?
how to take everything to the next level?
Bruno’s notes and reflections:
personally: did put some work into coding (group switcher at topbar), a first draft to a community design process, started the scripts for screencast and never finished it (not completely abandoned though), organized a call on Foodsharing governance inviting other Karrot groups (still to happen), had nice co-workings and discussions. A little activity on the Mastodon account and started working on more academic-related stuff…
as a group: generally a nice working flow, with ups and downs naturally, but felt quite steady nonetheless. In this sense, co-workings have played an important role! We did not achieve a lot of the concrete tasks we had to do, but fine. We still made important steps in the directions we wanted to take: to improve community participation in Karrot development/feature design and to move forward in the generalization/custommization topic. The work on governance features had yet to mature and will probably get going in this next cycle.
personal roadmaps ~45m
what is the general shape/rhythm of your life in the next 3 months? (September-November)
Bruno: different than the last 3 months, but probably similar amount of time available to work on Karrot, less structured, more flexible, partner not working
Tilmann: trying to get development-time for about half the week, a bit more than before, otherwise still kanthaus roof work, but trying to get less directly involved, and of course Mika … need to find out how who does what
Janina: Mika, Bubi2, foodsharing, Karrot. foodsharing will take most of my work time, but at some point we’ll be finished. Also some trips away.
Nick: Leave Göttingen and start a bike trip that will continue for the whole period. That comes with a lot of uncertainty, hopefully I’ll be able to productively code in some places but it’s not exactly clear how this will work out.
what is your karrot/fsww focus likely to be in those 3 months?
0 - none at all, count me out for this one, maybe next time!
1 - I can’t really dedicate much time, I might swing by the chat/forum here and there
2 - I have many other projects to work on, but I want to keep active somehow
3 - I can likely make some contributions
4 - it is one of only a few main projects for me
5 - it is my main project right now
Bruno: 4
Tilmann: a bit higher than last time, 4 now
Janina: still 2 (kanthaus itself is quite a project…)
Nick: Would be 5 without the bike trip, but reality makes it a 4.
what are your interests/priorities in that time? some thought hints:
any more specific focus areas? (e.g. improving offers, refactoring vuex stores, getting feedback from groups)
Bruno: contribute to generalization as much as possible, codewise maybe looking at making places easier to use as discussion places, working out more governance features through design process, depending on inspiration/clarity more work on outreach, reconceptualising potential/direction of karrot
Tilmann: more play, try out one thing, drop it, try another… trying to get unstuck more. unfocused on which area. generalization could be interesting, but smaller things require less thinking about whole concept, maybe ldap thing (for yunohost)? or oauth? or full text search? this kind of stuff. what users ask for usually seems complicated and not easy to implement. tricky bit is thinking about a good solution.
Janina: conceptualizing about governance features esp. relating to foodsharing stuff they’ve been doing, dragging Nathalie more into it all :), some more tiny merge requests (felt good!)
Nick: Generalization and getting it to the next step. Doesn’t need to be a massive leap forward, but at least some tangible progress. Continue to work on user need features since it’s motivating. Support governance processes from the backseat. If there’s enough time self hosting is also interesting. Try to find better ways to do outreach and also continue to do it.
balance of dreaming / conceptualizing / doing?
Bruno: striking the balance!
Tilmann: mostly keep out of dreaming and conceptualizing
Janina: a bit of everything
Nick: less dreaming, more conceptualizing and doing
are you looking for stuff to do or focused on getting stuff done?
Bruno: more focused on getting stuff done
Tilmann: if somebody has an interesting thing to do, happy for notice about it! lost a bit of the overview… quick changes… no plan!
Janina: getting stuff done (NOT looking for MORE stuff to do!!!)
Nick: a bit of balance, will sift through the forum to see what users need but also there’s already loads of stuff to do
which bigger visions of karrot are most motivating to you at the moment (if any)?
Bruno: getting more different types of groups using karrot (via the generalization work), e.g. toy library, trying to connect to new groups of people, e.g. via mastodon, or academics
Tilmann: unclear, sometimes too deep into topics to see bigger visions
Janina: Governance structures! Possibly because of my foodsharing involvement I’m again very proud of what we’re doing or trying to do with Karrot in this regard.
Nick: This kind of user freedom for the groups to do stuff is much more specifically motivating. The general background motivation which is still there is the bottom-up revolution of society.
what might you be able to offer others to help them?
Bruno: (head/mind is melting) usual stuff… community participation, feedback, testing, conceptualizing… would like to help others feel supported too
Tilmann: not sure if it’s useful, but maybe should check up in private with people to see how they’re doing, social stuff and coding, guiding work with karrot or connecting with topics, always up for code introductions, probably also reviews when in positive mood, esp if Janina/Bruno want to make some changes
Janina: Be normally there in the calls, be approachable for feedback of any kind, help read and write stuff (ping me with specific links! and love conceptualizing/visionary things)
Nick: help unstuck Tilmann through talking, casual informal, support governance and community design sprint but feel a little less driving, normal code stuff as well for everybody, general interest in what people are doing, bridging the gap of personal life and project work
what might you like from others to help you achieve this?
Bruno: comes quite naturally, code learning, etc., interests seems to be quite aligned, feel supported already
Tilmann: help to get unstuck from topics that get dragged along, talking more with others, especially Nick, but also Bruno/Janina
Janina: reminders for the calls! being asked if things are needed (having a tricky time remembering to check rocket chat) as missing overview (mentions/direct messages work well)
Nick: some patience is nice, I’ll be a bit fragmented and will take some time to get stuff going, engagement on the community forum is also very much appreciated to (re)activate more community people
do you want to participate in the karrot money circle for this period?
Bruno: perhaps, take it spontaneously
Tilmann: yes!
Janina: yes! starts to be a thing, feels good!
Nick: yes!
consensus / summary of what we’re doing ~10-15m?
See how our different ideas/visions fit together, and try and get some consensus/focus areas we work on together.
main topics seem to be:
connecting with community
connecting with others (e.g. mastodon/academia)
continuing stuff that already got started
contribution numbers felt like that they all went up! good working feeling we can use the steady work flow to do things, so less dreaming! more doing
quick reflection on roadmap structure ~2-3m
Bruno: almost completely melted now, quite enjoyed it! melting was not due to roadmap call… can be quite lengthy, later in the day makes it harder, nevertheless a good structure! Brings out reflections, looking at past/present/future, interactions within team, personal situations. Trying to focus on concrete outcomes. Can’t think of improvements right now!
Tilmann: is a good use of the time, everything very relevant, not much boilerplate, I think it was quite informal and relaxed, quite energised now! (nice calm environment helping), seems good!
Janina: also liked it (liked it last time! like structured meetings with sections), quite easy with prep. in the pre-beginning felt like “oh roadmap only just happened”, but actually the duration seemed about right, especially if want more things to happen… making it less frequent probably would lead us to do less… like the way it works… except forgot about the practical issues organising section, now tired and got distracted by nice dumpster food arriving, also had a long call before…)
Nick: I was happy because I put about zero thought into it but the already established structure carried the whole thing. It felt like all the sections fit and it sort of flowed. Everybody had answers that were interesting and relevant. I pat myself on the back for coming up with the structure last time. We just should have done the weekly meeting in the section mentioned on here and not before the whole roadmap.
Next roadmap session will be on 2020-11-22 (13 weeks after this one).
We can do a little general structure retrospective structure:
what went well?
Tilmann: last period quite good to slowly get back into Karrot stuff, especially enjoyed Nick being so engaged, personal engagement… hmm yup. great to keep doing weekly calls, with good discussions, feels worthwhile. good to have governance process going, from the outside.
Bruno: was very productive! looks like we did almost all the things we wanted to do, sketched and started design process, nice that Katie jumped in, new active team member, yay custom activity types progressed ENORMOUSLY, Nick has been doing a lot of work. had NordiCHI, new contacts, etc… going steadily in a nice direction.
Nick: the previous roadmap seemed quite accurate except the bike trip part. the topics of focus were pretty on point though: #generalization, direct user need features, supporting the governance process. just not so much outreach. I found a burst of energy. very nice having katie join! mastodon account has been doing quite well in followers (166 now), that also made me #happy.
Katie: really enjoying the governance process, very good timing for joining from the beginning! making some plans for addressing some UX stuff, reviewing the forum, and starting a study for it (around the signup process), connecting with bachelors students to get involved
Janina: most positive was so much progress with needing to do anything! great step Katie joining, nicks burst of energy nice, so much activity in areas we talked about for ages. nice to somehow be part of it! attending NordiCHI etc nice that V… joined. feels more like a #communityteam, had lower activity, less regular times before, so nice to have it active. people seem to enjoy nice conversations and atmosphere. #goodteamculture.
what went not so well?
Tilmann: did way less than desired, well… guess didn’t really start as much as wanted to, wanted to play around more, but didn’t do it so much. focused more on maintenance, which is useful, but wanted to do more. still very much more into kanthaus roof topics than desired.
Bruno: particularly, nothing special, everything went fine! maybe would have desired more time, in general though, not just about karrot. wished I had more time nothing to complain about.
Nick: in general it went very well. the outreach to the groups is something I didn’t really manage. had some personal instabilities in the middle, but karrot was a nice thing to do when the rest of life was not so good.
Katie: not managing to work on any of the UX tasks due to lack of time, but have a plan to help with it! disappointed with it.
Janina: did less than said I would, (active on level 2), hmmm. no tiny merge requests, no contributing #actualwork. stopped writing emails, should have communicated that.
open questions on your mind?
Tilmann: none, mind is empty, will the roof ever end!
Bruno: how to try and advertise karrot more, more outreach, after we get some stuff ready, feels like we’re on that path, depending on how much we put in, then we have something great enough to support more outreach for more different use cases, sharing collaborative commons economy stuff, community organising stuff
Nick: how to not overwhelm all the communication channels in periods of high personal activity? where to put my energy so that it’s nice and enjoyable?
Katie: nothing really at the moment, just a blank shell
Janina: I wonder who will answer the emails
personal roadmaps ~45m
what is the general shape/rhythm of your life in the next 3 months? (December-February)
Tilmann: good question! I guess it’ll involve some change, less physical work, more childcare, hopefully more computer work, but maybe that’s a conflict, seems unsure. probably staying in kanthaus for that time.
Bruno: same as before, were supposed to be in Brazil, but still in Sweden, not much change expected
Nick: not as expected, but will be very stable. probably sitting in this room for most of the time. want to put a lot of energy into the people around me as well as karrot. trying to get rerooted and grounded is the general theme.
Katie: quite a lot going on, got good reviews on paper! yay! should be accepted. working on “camera ready” version, working on another article, and a half-way phd report, will take quite a bit of focus. quite planned and clear at least. still have availablity within that.
Janina: dominated by having a baby again! (aww booboo!) will not take on any other projects really, maybe “it” sleeps all the time, or not, there is also Mika still of course…
what is your karrot/fsww focus likely to be in those 3 months?
0 - none at all, count me out for this one, maybe next time!
1 - I can’t really dedicate much time, I might swing by the chat/forum here and there
2 - I have many other projects to work on, but I want to keep active somehow
3 - I can likely make some contributions
4 - it is one of only a few main projects for me
5 - it is my main project right now
Tilmann: 4 (although can still mean quite low time allocation)
Bruno: 4
Nick: 5
Katie: 3
Janina: 1 (join calls, maybe not all the time though, don’t read much rocket chat, don’t want to promise anything)
what are your interests/priorities in that time? some thought hints:
any more specific focus areas? (e.g. improving offers, refactoring vuex stores, getting feedback from groups)
Tilmann: probably sticking with maintaince stuff mostly, resolving customized dependencies (contributing changes upstream), some dependencies are inactive, so maybe adapt into our project, still quite interested in things from previous period, smaller things that don’t require thinking about the whole concept, oauth could be nice (sign into forum/chat with karrot account), maybe some other stuff, Nick probably has some ideas that can help him. also still being the review person for Nick
Bruno: finishing the governance design process, also work on the usability issues together, would try to do some re-conceptualizing for karrot (main page, some documents)
Nick: one part that ties into Bruno’s bit of reconceptualizing: getting the golden values and code of conduct clearer. rewrite constitutional documents of karrot and try to make something useful. maybe also revise the license to align a bit more with the perspectives we seem to have embraced a bit more recently, like more social focus, feminist technology. in terms of development generalization is still a big topic. finishing up the custom activity types. governance process as well is really nice and this period we should get to a place where we start building something. Refactor the data layer to move away from vuex as a nice purely technical project. I want to start putting more effort into support tutoring and coaching, too.
Katie: continue with governance process stuff, and supervision of bachelors students to start on UX stuff, can work with that moving forward depending on what comes out of it
Janina: main interest is in the governance, especially with connection with
balance of dreaming / conceptualizing / doing?
Tilmann: mostly stick to doing
Bruno: like to have a good balance between practical and theoretical, might venture into more dreaming and conceptualizing more this time
Nick: quite a balance of the three seems nice, I have capacity to do them all.
Katie: trying to be more realistic about dreams loads of things to do, but have to be practical. hopefully can put more time consuming work for students. governance project really engaging.
Janina: more dreaming! nice to float around and think about how things could be
are you looking for stuff to do or focused on getting stuff done?
Tilmann: yes, as I said… prompts for smallish things, definately taking work, maybe not always finishing, play around then abandon
Bruno: getting stuff done, have a good list! but also go with the flow depending on what others are engaged in
Nick: getting stuff done, really. and find spaces where I can put in my support in mentoring.
Katie: focusing on those two tasks for the moment
Janina: definately NOT looking for stuff to do, maybe will find time to do tiny merge requests
which bigger visions of karrot are most motivating to you at the moment (if any)?
Tilmann: not really karrot’s vision, but still want to improve usability stuff and performance, especially mobile app as it’s not so nice for messaging, user empowerment vision!
Bruno: getting Karrot to be first very useful for different types of groups beyond foodsaving and trying to reach to those groups, more propaganda of karrot somehow!
Nick: this really big vision of trying to remake society. I want to do it on a more practical level as well. The social layer is becoming a much bigger topic as well for me.
Katie: working on the UX, could be great to make it more of a one-stop-shop, where you have a lot of the features you need to run a group, and if not making more connections to external tools to integrate, making it the perfect place to run a foodsharing group
Janina: this idea that groups can organise themselves in a way where you don’t need hierarchies where you empower people and really form teams where you empower people on an eye-to-eye level, it’s a really big issue everywhere!
what might you be able to offer others to help them?
Tilmann: offering the same as before, can answer questions about the karrot structure, reviewing, most of the karrot code structure is in his mind still!
Bruno: answer some (maybe most?) of the e-mails. UX if any of Katie’s students are working with it. Support Nick in conceptualizing (golden rules, code of conduct) and generalization. implement some tiny issues that others find. some more screencast stuff with Taïs, more scripts? review?
Nick: quite a lot! helping to break off tasks for Tilmann, and being another person to talk on these maintenance topics. Mentoring, as I said, and spreading motivation. I’d like to have more coworking sessions to establish rhythm and regularity also for others. We could have a rota system for answering emails, so I’d also help with that.
Katie: a lot of people mentioned UX stuff, students would do in-depth studies, and open for this quick tasks, like 1-2h kind of tasks, could sketch some ideas for things that are very concrete, reach out!
Janina: don’t want to promise anything so not sure what to offer, usual thing might be read and look at things, maybe write an issue for Bruno (who is helping who here!?), answer German emails! I should be able to write a fucking email! can help katies students feel welcome!
what might you like from others to help you achieve this?
Tilmann: if I did something, would be happy for reviews from Nick, would be very interested in any outcome of usability research from Bruno/Katie to help with usability improvements
Bruno: basically everything I said about offering help, but in the other way round desire to collaborate. would be happy to be mentored by Nick for coding.
Nick: emoji reactions are nice if people don’t have enough time to write comments. I find them very motivating. Also feedback if I do too much, because I don’t want to dominate everything, but still go forward.
Katie: linking back to bigger UX project and students, would like them to feel like they’re part of the karrot team whilst they’re part of the project, hope they can join the meetings and get involved and be welcomed, and give them tasks like anyone else, help to make them feel welcome
Janina: please ping me if there are German emails (and ping again, where? Telegram is probably more safe)
do you want to participate in the karrot money circle for this period?
Tilmann: yes!
Bruno: maybe, spontaneously, let’s see
Nick: yes.
Katie: don’t think so? thanks!
Janina: yes!
consensus / summary of what we’re doing ~10m?
See how our different ideas/visions fit together, and try and get some consensus/focus areas we work on together.
usability! maybe a pipeline, people notice little niggles, katie can sketch some solutions, and bruno and the students can implement it! supported with Nicks help
finish the governance design process, let’s see about actually implementing
conceptualizing of karrot itself, values, etc… a clearer message, leading to outreach, what is it and how does it work? a rocket chat channel…?
generalization progress, continuing momentum
maintainance + code improvements
quick reflection on roadmap structure ~2-3m
Tilmann: review might be better if one person goes through all sections, as we did later on +1, maybe can reduce the structure a little bit? especially help/offer bit? frame it more as a collaboration point? (although could be less explicit about help)
Bruno: felt slow, but we caught up, timing seems ok
Nick: lots of answer points seemed to fit in multiple places, also should clarify in the docs whether to go through together or one by one
Katie: first time! nothing to compare, was really nice, quite structured, felt like was repeating myself quite often, a bit of repetition, could condense the questions, super nice though and not too far off schedule
Janina: yeah, found it quite nice! noticable that we already did it a few times, so improved flow, some redundancy but maybe ok, 2h is probably fine generally
duration: 1h (+optional extension)
date: 2021-04-05 12:00 CEST
facilitator: Nick
participants: Nick, Fabian, Layla, Vasileios, Bruno
thoughts for this session
Nick: more focused on the freeform discussion, have some ideas on categorise/framing
Fabian: no expectations to far, interested in how it’s working, doing planning in “normal” job, so curious how this works
Vasileios: no specific expectations, not sure how planned it could or should be, like the free chatting/discussion bit, let’s see how it goes
Layla: also just joining to get a more general idea of what’s going on, and see how she can do something, so far not so familiar with the topics
Bruno: what liked about previous sessions was a focus on trying to get together personal life motivations with the project, which level we’re at, interest level, how we might help each other, expecting we can go through that, and define how we can find out what’s going on how to work together
the topics and themes were pretty connected to what we did
a lot to celebrate
had new people that got involved and became active
we progressed on all of the topics in one way or another
still need to round-up some of them
we didn’t leave any of those topics to die
had nice progress in goverannce, conceptualizing, landing page, generalization, usability study organising, and more ready to present to other types of groups
continuing on the same level for the next 3 months
feeling of a lot of other stuff to attend to aswell as childcare, house stuff, not a lot of time remaining
not working a lot though as usual, so frees up some time
still one of the main projects of a few, so some hours per week, with some variation week-to-week
we worked a lot on conceptualizing and dreaming and have a lot of ideas, so would like to do more, within capabilities
… still need some conceptualizing of features, still need to put thoughts into those things, mostly Getting Stuff Done
bigger vision very similar to Nicks
offering help? dunno! let’s see what people need help with, can definately help with connecting with some groups, his groups, giving feedback, other Swedish groups to get user input and participation from actual users, can probably take up some of the housekeeping tasks Nick mentioned (esp. if there is more specific stuff)
needs some code help when coding and getting stuck, as still learning, or help/support with thinking and conceptualising (aka “talking”)
money circle? was forced to check the box! yes, sometimes, don’t want the money, but would like to help if people want to pay their expenses, or seeking more funding, giving feedback, etc.
working as software developer from home, but currently on 100% covid idle (kurzarbiet), will change in 2 months, then working 80% for main job, not sure how much it will impact karrot work, would love to continue but can’t tell yet
main focus on coding aspects, balance in the “doing” part
the goal of reducing food waste and sustainability is important part of the vision
can provide most help in the software development and everything that surrounds that, transferring knowledge from professional experience in that (coding, test, architecture, domain driven design, everything… ), and the processes around that
all around the place at the moment, “normal” would be UK, but then in Athens, then in a small village, and perspectives on life changing, focusing on garden and house renovation, am I a phd student? and where does that go? good at discussing and understanding politics of design, but not coding?
connection with karrot seems convoluted, this connection to phd is kind of like a “job”, but also making new friends, really enjoy joining call, don’t think so much about using those things for the phd
would love to meet in person, and discuss about wider topics than karrot too
a bit convoluted and confusion :s
terribly bad in coding, or even understand what it is and how it works
spend a lot of time with the politics of design, so hopefully can contribute here
enjoy the chats where we share ideas, and beyond just the specific, but the politics and more subliminal aspects
has been asking collegaues from the uni to help understand coding, not to do it, but understanding how it fits together (e.g. using GitHub, etc…)
as for bigger visions, “digital friends” have a vision and want to help them, also a case study for work, wonder what role is, external researcher? or friend? how to contribute without exploiting it, contributing with real feelings, not just academic ones
spent a lot of time reading/writing about related topics, not so much specifically about food waste, can offer company (wider than just karrot), building up different relations, can also offer help with the academic contexts, more “flowery” academic terms, etc…
don’t need specific help, as not working alone so much, participating in the discussions
no money please
working as software developer, starting at 80% level in May
hope to continue working with karrot after that, but have to see how things develop
main area is software development
don’t feel so capable of conceptualising yet, dreaming is always OK
enjoy that the software is going worldwide, and more than food waste, seems a great vision to have
right now don’t need any specific help, can ask Nick
working with Freiburg group
can always try and help with anything software related
more freeform discussion to form a plan/structure
bringing practises from a different context can fail
e.g. bringing startup thinking into community volunteer project
the context is the people in the team participating
different categories/areas
tech infrastructure
quasar 2 / vue 3 upgrade + composition API
reworking data layer as it’s quite complex and hard to reason about
having reflection moments, whats working (or not), esp. as circumstances change
weekly meetings, “how to contribute” docs, what kind of contributions that we expect?
haven’t formalised this so much and probably don’t need it too formal, but if we grow more need to formalise more bits, keeping the visions and values without losing where we come from and where we want to go
what can be improved?
maybe a diagram would be nice?
Vasileios had one somewhere… and Nick has been drawing
perhaps a bit more formalisation of wider set of people, e.g. users from groups on the forum
giving visibility and motivating people by recognising their input
improving the experience of using karrot as a messaging app (goal: as slick as telegram)
managing agreements/ community governance community governance community governance community governance
in process with the governance design process
conflict resolution next iteration
next design process session?
breaking the silo!
public communication from groups
expanding beyond the silo of being inside a karrot group
faciliate connections to people who are not in the group but want to connect, or get information, e.g. finding out about public sharing places
they tend to have to use facebook, etc…
more connection between groups and creatin wider networks (e.g. foodsharing Sweden)
learning / knowledge sharing?
focus for this period
difficult to focus, progress in each of the top categories
Most of tech inf points I dont care that much–> explore options about ops though
Product part: doing what’s necessary → conceptual and outreach…so when we do the outreach karrot is
support group types
agreement management
keep up the momentum
having a diagram
more turning conceptual topics into GitHub issues
also the whole process of this happens
the focus of the whole Freiburg group, but can’t speak for all, as they do a group process
“GitHub issue” focused, pick one, then try and implement/fix it
personally, quite motivated to think about frontend testing
conceptual/outreach (connected with product)
share some time discussing different groups that may need to use karrot
conceptualising what they might need and what kind of groups could use karrot
can lead to writing an invitation towards such groups
supporting different group types
interested in the group onboading parts
topics Bruno mentioned
joining groups, applications, invitations
also interested in the User testing
have to discuss with Katie
contining community governance topics as already involved
“breaking the silo” sounds like a good idea for the next community design process
what technical infrastructure is needed and how can design such a thing
mostly the same as Fabian as also part of Freiburg group
as long as they are out of work, will continue like this
interested in the config API / technical stuff, seems separated from all the conceptual stuff, something that can just be done
Nick has done some stuff on this, and will communicate about that
finishing governance features (agreement management)
user testing
more design?
outreach, contacting group, networks of people, blogs, participate in events
support different group types
also involves getting closer connection to other groups, e.g. introducing karrot to freeshops in Gothenburg
handholding and finding out needs
public places (part of “breaking the silo”)
conceptualising and designing
working together with Vasileios and whoever else is interested
more specific: places focused on communications instead of activities
can do some coding on it with some help
maybe do some more on the organizational part depending on the flow
quick reflection on roadmap structure
Nick: felt a bit disorganised as it was new/evolving process, initially missed out the bit on our focuses, so that’s very useful
Fabian: pretty happy with the outcome, especially the last bit, also didn’t agree with nick, could see a structure
Vasileios: disagree with nick on organised/disorganised balance, felt well organised! enough structure… was good.
Layla: liked it, feels very different from roadmap stuff at work as we all said what we feel we want to do, very different from having a priority already. hope everything got address. liked the last bit very much. well organised!
Bruno: not much to add, well organised, could improve on rounding up all the ideas, reaching the final set of things we want to work on, can work on that so it doesn’t become too long, we could leave out the bit we already wrote on forum (maybe just free commenting/briefly before, get quicker into karrot details)
mini section for any important weekly announcements/topics
checkout for those not joining next section
(optional) practical section for organising GitHub issues / forum threads