Custom roles and permissions system - Starting the design process & Invite

Hello all!

Let’s start the design process for the ‘roles and permissions’ feature! This is part of our recent nlnet funding. My part is to facilitate the design process.

Join us on a 6 week journey! Here is a brief timeline, we’ll see how this goes:

CW: Calendar Week

CW 39 - Week 1: First meeting Stage 1
CW 40 - Week 2: Second meeting Stage 2
CW 41 - Week 3: (possibly send me more sketches)
CW 42 - Week 4: Third meeting Bring together
CW 43 - Week 5 Prototyping
CW 44 - Week 6: Karrot team meeting, feedback and decision
CW 45 → ready for development

If you’re interested, select your availabity for the first meeting in two weeks:

  • Tuesday, 24. September 2024 20:00 CEST
  • Wednesday, 25. September 2024 10:00 CEST
  • Thursday, 26. September 16:00 CEST

0 voters

@Vasilis_Ntouros @Jay @nicksellen @bruno @danveg @David @Juancito and all I don’t know yet!

I put more info about the first meeting/ stage 1 in a second post.

See you soon!


Intro text from funding application:
We will allow groups to create custom roles, configure them as they wish and support multiple methods by which people get a new role. In addition to getting a role by receiving trust from their fellow members, some roles are suitable for self-assignment. To make these more useful, it will be necessary to break apart the “editor” role into a flexible set of permissions, which can then be assigned to roles as the group desires, e.g. “manage group”, “manage places”, “manage activities”, “manage applications”, “start membership review”.
(some pieces of this can be up for discussion still, but that’s the rough idea)

User stories already collected over here: Custom roles and permissions system

Thanks all, let’s have our first meeting next tuesday 20:00 CEST then (24.09.2024)

Here is the activity: Karrot

You need to join the Karrot Team & Feedback group in order to participate in the video call. See you there!

Design Process for Roles Feature

Meeting #1

Date: 2024-09-24 on Karrot
Facilitator: Nathalie
Minutes: Vas
Participants: Nathalie, Vas, Nick, Bruno


  • Check in
    • attendance
    • duration: 1h
    • information?
    • next meeting: see logistics on agenda

Consent to agenda

Discussion Points

  • Logistics

    • present timetable/timeline
    • next call?
      • Proposal: Tuesday October 1st 20:00 CEST
      • Proposal: Wednesday October 2st 20:00 CEST
      • Proposal: Tuesday October 8th 20:00 CEST <— that’s the day we meet again
    • Bruno: how to get more ppl in the call:
      • make a poll, contact more ppl. All days would work
    • Vasilis: best Oct 8, have summary of today’s outcome, build motivation: you want to jump on?
    • Nick: any of dates is fine, key question is how to get participation? how to factor the reality in? its hard to get participation, busy expert, be available to ppl specificially to get some input on the call, and then info distributed around, asking ppl to do async can be more tricky. Tomek, Dave, David exisisting intel/ideas they ve shared that we can bring in
    • Nathalie: can do all of these days, glad managed to put the banner up!
    • propose to have it in two weeks: do more advertising, 8th of Oct, advertise it to the community cafe.
  • Quick overview of Design Process

  • Quick overview of current roles and permissions

    • Newcomer
    • Approved (leaf)
      • only editors can give trust for approved
      • lux wanted/introduced the approved, went wonky in the process
      • in solikyl we tried to introduce approved, was adopted in a few pickups, the was no high pressure to do the pickups
      • give approved role to everybody in group already when introducing it
      • changed in solikyl into sweedish
      • use the group logic to adapt to their context
      • make rules that can fit to what the group/community understands
  • Goal of the Process

    • We will allow groups to create custom roles, configure them as they wish and support multiple methods by which people get a new role.
    • Reactions/ Questions in regard to the goal
      • I like the goal and the flexibility as in how one gets a role (nathalie)
      • did wonder, why create custom roles? supporing the self-organisation (nick)
      • self-organisation connects with having custom roles, being accountable, taking responsibilty, we do have the request from the group to work on this, positive about the phrasing (vas)
      • nothing to add. agree with what was shared (bruno)
  • Difficult questions

    • What needs to be true in order to achieve the goal? How could we fail?
    • How might we…
      1. get closer to having custom roles, by developing 2-3 prototype roles that groups can adapt to their needs, even by simply naming them the way that fits their needs
      2. develop roles that can cover more complex needs regarding self-organisation and governance, yet be ‘easy’ to be adopted
      3. make sure it seems useful for established groups and the roles they already have?
      4. make it inviting for new groups to start assigning their roles?
      5. not confuse people with all the different permissions and roles required?
      6. make roles useful also as a working group?
      7. make the trust system easy understandable?
      8. integrate roles with the trust system?
      9. respect the groups own voting mechanisms?
      10. have a clear understanding of the difference between giving trust and voting?
      11. make a lean system of permissions?
      12. not overwhelm users with too many buttons?
      13. encourage enagement through roles?
      14. encourage healthy community organising rather than domination-based approaches?
      15. ensure the groups actually use it and not confuse them?
      16. handle who initially gets new roles? and subsequently? given groups have their own processes which are offline sometimes…
      17. communicate about it to groups and to potential new self-organised groups? as it’s a unique/powerful part of karrot!
      18. handle the varied and complex needs of the groups?
      19. weave the roles/permissions into existing features of karrot?
  • Starting a map


  • check-in with lux about approved role [Nathalie]

Closing Ceremony

  • checkout

A post was split to a new topic: Custom roles and permissions system - 2. Sketches