Custom roles and permissions system - Starting the design process & Invite

Hello all!

Let’s start the design process for the ‘roles and permissions’ feature! This is part of our recent nlnet funding. My part is to facilitate the design process.

Join us on a 6 week journey! Here is a brief timeline, we’ll see how this goes:

CW: Calendar Week

CW 39 - Week 1: First meeting Stage 1
CW 40 - Week 2: Second meeting Stage 2
CW 41 - Week 3: (possibly send me more sketches)
CW 42 - Week 4: Third meeting Bring together
CW 43 - Week 5 Prototyping
CW 44 - Week 6: Karrot team meeting, feedback and decision
CW 45 → ready for development

If you’re interested, select your availabity for the first meeting in two weeks:

  • Tuesday, 24. September 2024 20:00 CEST
  • Wednesday, 25. September 2024 10:00 CEST
  • Thursday, 26. September 16:00 CEST

0 voters

@Vasilis_Ntouros @Jay @nicksellen @bruno @danveg @David @Juancito and all I don’t know yet!

I put more info about the first meeting/ stage 1 in a second post.

See you soon!


Intro text from funding application:
We will allow groups to create custom roles, configure them as they wish and support multiple methods by which people get a new role. In addition to getting a role by receiving trust from their fellow members, some roles are suitable for self-assignment. To make these more useful, it will be necessary to break apart the “editor” role into a flexible set of permissions, which can then be assigned to roles as the group desires, e.g. “manage group”, “manage places”, “manage activities”, “manage applications”, “start membership review”.
(some pieces of this can be up for discussion still, but that’s the rough idea)

User stories already collected over here: Custom roles and permissions system

Thanks all, let’s have our first meeting next tuesday 20:00 CEST then (24.09.2024)

Here is the activity: Karrot

You need to join the Karrot Team & Feedback group in order to participate in the video call. See you there!