Here is the notes from our third meeting:
(working pad)
Design Process for Roles Feature
Meeting #3
Date: 2024-10-15 on Karrot
Facilitator: Nathalie
Minutes: all
Participants: Nathalie, Nick, Bruno
- Check in
- attendance
- duration: shortened, maybe quarter past…
- information?
- next meeting: none planned
Consent to agenda
Discussion Points
- look at timeline
- this as last meeting of sketches
- next step would be prototyping
- nlnet milestones reminder
- Design the mechanism in detail, and seek feedback (€ 1500)
- Develop custom roles feature (€ 2000)
- Develop permissions system (€ 2000)
- Documentation for custom roles and permissions (€ 1000)
- review sketches and have an open discussion/ decide on best ideas
- Excalidraw Excalidraw | Hand-drawn look & feel • Collaborative • Secure
- Link: Custom roles and permissions system - 2. Sketches
- where are you at now?
- Nathalie:
- takeaway from last time, making it understandable perhaps the hardest part
- maybe the feature can be something to help groups orientate in their own group
- to help members understand their own group better
- focusing on showing roles within group
- have been thinking more about visually appealing things
- thinking more about how to display the roles, rather than just a list
- thinking less about permissions, maybe even omitting it, open question there
- in SoFa have been looking at software to draw organisaation maps
- have been using kumu, diagram to show circles, force-directed-graph, quite like this
- shows circles and linking, not really roles though, stopped at circle level
- like colourfulness, equal sized circles, and that you can play with it
- now using peerdom
- has nested circles
- more functionality to see roles within circles, and can zoom within circles, see profiles of people
- sizing of the circles is odd, look and software not so great to use, and quite expensive
- Bruno:
- most useful thing: custom roles. who has role, custom name, in language of group
- like custom activities
- that’ll already make a difference
- making visible roles and mechanism to get role 2) play with permissions
- not that interested in display/ org chart, nice to have feature
- average groups on karrot not that big…
- more time on sketches
- like visibilty of roles on profile (badge)
- Nick:
- represent roles people have in group already
- display is interesting
- what can you see when you apply? e.g. showing structure
- members page probably a good place to star
- fun and playful ways to represent it
- resilience web
- is the display just a play tool?
- map rather then hierachical list, liked that sketch
- how to get roles?
- currenty: if ‘editor’, then xxx
- seperate permissions into pieces on a code level
- still editor has all
- over time, permissions can be assigned to roles
- editors could assign permissions to roles
- someone can just assign roles who has permission to assign roles
- definition of role useful, or give another name
- role as a flexible tool, also for circles, teams, subgroup, working group, store team
- make a decision about what we mean
- what would groups like to create? board, moderation team
- ‘seeking volunteers’ and filter option, set as check-box
- Nathalie:
- appreciate the idea of doing changes on the code level, preparing flexibility, but not nercesaily enabling it right away, to enable permissions work in the future
- hesitation as permission-thing might need more time
- sense of an emerging vision around the display of roles
- questioning the moving part of the display, how much playfulness?
- having nice colours, equal circles
- need to think more about how to get the roles
- Bruno:
- good thought about roles/teams/subgroups
- tricky to define the concepts
- maybe when you create a role, have a way to communicate between people who have the role, and from the outside, we didn’t do sketches for this
- like starting with permissions by using editor role, then opening up the possiblity to disperse the editing rights into different roles
- in general groups have people that take the lead as community caretakers, maybe we can work on this concept - power user of karrot, those who go deep into how karrot works and doing the setup, power user can go into editing mode
- nice to connect the permissions to the existing features, perhaps do a rough mapping of the groups and which kind of roles they have
- confused about the whole thing too
- have been thinking about which kind of software is useful for organising - instead of software that is very specific in it’s mechanism, maybe best approach is keeping things simple/flexible as possible, instead of thinking of all the use case and how groups organise and different problems, etc. leading to very sophisticated system, maybe waste of time? … but does get quite complicated
- deep dive for certain people, and easy on the surface level for others
- Nick:
- reminds me of progressive interface idea
- hard to get away from complexity
- prototyping mind, low or high fidelity
- get clarity around teams and subgroups
- places are sub-groups
- Nathalie:
- thinking of timelines, and relating to coming to bristol/bath
Action items
- some stuff [Nathalie]
Closing Ceremony
- checkout