Template text: Food-Share Point rules sheet

What kind of food am I allowed to share?

Please only share food you would eat as well. You can also share food which expired its best before date if it is still edible but you can NOT share food that expired its use-by date.

Only share this food refrigerated:

  • Pasta and potato salad
  • Cake that has a non-baked filling like cream cake
  • Foods which should be stored at +2 to +8°C according to the packing

Storage facilities ot the foodsharing Food-Share Point and what to consider:

The Food-Share Point is a fridge:

  • Take care that the fridge is closed properly all the time
  • Separate raw food from prepared food
  • Store the dirtiest food at the bottom (e.g. potatoes, onions)
  • Cover prepared food carefully or put it in a box
  • The temperature in the fridge should be +5°C, use a thermometer to control it
  • Clean the Food-Share Point 1x per week with wash water, wipe it with a 6% vinegar-water mixture. Or clean it as it becomes necessary

The Food-Share Point is a cupboard:

  • Take care that the Food-Share Point is closed properly all the time
  • Store the dirtiest food at the bottom so that no dirt can fall on other foods
  • Take care that the food is properly covered or closed with a lid
  • Clean the Food-Share Point 1x per week with wash water, wipe it with a 6% vinegar-water mixture. Or clean it as necessary.

Use a cool bag or a cool box to transport the food from or to the Food-Share Point as some foods contain germs that can spread at +10°C and are harmful to health.

You are not allowed to share this food via foodsharing as it presents a potential health risk:

  • Ground pork
  • Minced beef
  • Products from unheated raw-milk
  • Freshly prepared food containing raw eggs
  • Cremes and pudding, tiramisu and mayonnaise (if homemade with eggs and milk)