Reducing UX Friction & Cognitive Load

User story:

As a new Karrot community builder / doer / etc… I want a UX that has as little friction as possible to achieve a given task once I figure out what tasks I want to do.


Revamping the UI / UX to be simpler depends on how drastic of changes you want to go for.
This can involve some or all of the following:

  • Reducing cognitive load of what a user views on each screen
  • Better use of icons & typography
  • Custom graphic elements
  • New CSS / JS software development


Consider creating a first steps “wizard(ess)” tool which helps a user easily perhaps less than 10 clicks (or some other low arbitrary number) to complete their first journey of starting to use Karrot


Oh I would love to have a sleeker look for Karrot and less clutter, better navigation! From my experience using Karrot I can identify many small areas of improvement, but I would not really know how to have an integrated and systematic approach, which seems to be what you’re suggesting. I guess no one in the team has the designer experience to do that.

I’d be happy to see more concrete suggestions or designs if you have the time and motivation to contribute! :slight_smile:

I guess no one in the team has the designer experience to do that.

I see… Understood. Thanks for clarifying this :slightly_smiling_face: