Karrot chat with mariha
Date: 15.03.2023 10:30 CET
Participants: mariha, Nathalie, Vas
Facilitator: Nathalie
Minutes: Vas
- check-in
- how are you entering the call and what is your motivation for this call (no notes)
- organisational
- attendance
- duration 45min
- notes are taken and posted in Karrot Team & Feedback group (not forum) [ask for consent]
- why not on the forum? that is going to be accessible to me [mariha] and to others. Would be able to justify the fork.
- change the proposal to be posted on the Forum. So we all agree on that.
- next call
- not one planned atm.
- ask for consent to agenda - consent
- open questions towards ‘Request for (re)inclusion.’ [R]
- round of questions and answers (if they are any)
- [Vasilis]: no Q
- [Nathalie]: Are the areas you don’t know how to act? Was the Karrot-team answer sufficient?
- it was helpful to have a clearer situation. it was not possible to follow the rules. appreciate clarity of rules now. It is important that there is a point of reference to sth.
- [mariha]: If I created an alternative space for Karrot would you be interested in joining?
- [Nathalie]:I feel that I am already in the alternative space of foodsharing, I don’t know if I would be interested in going to this direction, I have some questions for my future so I’m not very interested.
- [vas]: nice to think about a fork, alternatives have alternatives etc. not sure how much time I would have and if I’d engage. much energy put in Karrot, not sure if I want to step in another project. mental and time capacity. can’t say no or yes now.
- round of questions and answers (if they are any)
- use of Karrot for workshop place [E]
- introduction from mariha
- it has many layers/levels/angles
- I have a cloud of thoughts
- few perspectives:
- described in open collective
- have a space where I would make some tools available for ppl to do project, goal of that would be for ppl that want to socialise that is easier for them to do so instead of a cafe in a ‘makerspace’. Integration perspective: relations building. The world is very much globalised, global products and markets. In order to contradict that support forms of local production and craftsmanship. I think its I know already a lot to do, there are ppl around who know as well, have tools available, ppl who could pass on the skills. Create an ecosystem with ppl engaging with crafts/craftsmanship.
- sharescreen where the offers tab is used for sharing designs/craft projects. Interested in offers.
- 2 categories: gear to share (e.g. sewing machine, woodworking tools) and projects designs?
- inspired by fablabs and the fablab network. Focus on digital manufacturing. My ideas is similar to that.
- simpler tools/more appropriate technology
- makes sense to separate toolsharing to foodsharing. One of the reasons that I feel having a fork is justified. I feel that I want to make some changes.
- I would feel more independent if there is a fork. More comfortable for me to have a fork.
- there is a place already for the local makerspace
- Karrot software can give some coordination
- Questions?
- What changes would you make to current Karrot software?
- there is a list with changes, don’t go into details now
- What changes would you make to current Karrot software?
- round of reactions/ideas
- Vas: likes idea of testing Karrot in a makerspace environment, facebook is not enough to coordinate, some experience on that, open to share thoughts on that and what technology could provide, really like the concept of ‘repurporise’ Karrot, interesting papers on technology and makerspaces to share
- Nathalie: I get the idea, don’t have xp with makerspace, I do understand that you have the skills to make the changes on a code level. Limitations to development capacity in core team. Its not easy to make changes fast, and implement new changes. Main Karrot has (design) processes and we want to formalise them more. It makes sense to go on with this more independent fork.
- mariha: how to name that new/other instance of Karrot? Happy to hear your ideas for names. Open invitation.
- Nathalie: sharing a link to fork could be nice idea. get inspirations both ways.
- introduction from mariha
- check-out