Notes from meeting with Matt Dowse

chat with karrot and mattdowse

date: 2024-08-14

present: butze, nick, vas, jay, matt
notes: everyone

Matt: post-doc researcher at center for sociodigital futures, uni of bristol (ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures – Research Outputs — University of Bristol), has a lifespan of 5years, only recently finished phd, started as a music teacher, inclusion work, crime prev projects, child protection, left the council, got into 3rd sector, running a homeless charity in bristol, then did a PhD, after doing an MsC, not a kind of full blown academic, about the centre CENSOF is trying to explore the sociodigital (HCI) through an interdisciplinary setting, bristol school is more critical, non-capitalist-ish, mix of people in CENSOF, interesting convos going on between social scientists and technicians, what is value?, language is difficult among an interdisciplinary group, work in a team which is the organising domain, 4 ppl, (shut the business school ( Shut Down the Business School ) from one of colleagues), another book resisiting AI ( Bristol University Press | Resisting AI - An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence, By Dan McQuillan )and…, my job is to run projects, initial piece of reseach on community tech, RQ: what is community tech?, Nick was part of the first round, semi-stuctured interviews, interested about trust, how you create trust between yous?, interested in the commons, practice theory: that’s me!

Vas: vasilis. sounds familiar topics, studied business previously… then different paths, ended up in newcastle, submitted phd last month, hci, sociotechnical design, openlab newcastle, topic was alternatives to sharing economy - sharing for community, not profit or charity. met with nick, bruno, butze, for a cscw workshop during covid, got chatting, ended up being a full fledged member of karrot, over last 3.5 years. community tech part of interest definately. different notions of literature about community. read promising trouble report on community tech. submitted phd, expecting date to come to the UK and do defense. move to a small village in greece, co-ordinating a community maker space. got some funding in 2018 with greek organisation, also do hci, degrowth, “design global, manufacturer local” paradigm with full equipped maker space. jobless at the moment, looking for a postdoc that can be combined with makerspace in the countryside. got into karrot as a researcher, negotiating hats… after have a call with a researcher about digital civics… some questions about communities we engaged with. karrot became like a family, sometimes feel lazy but join call, feels good. a trust topic. people developing karrot, and people using karrot.

J: got involved in karrot through Nick via a local foodsharing group, briefly involved in fs locally, masters in the field of AI, whithin Karrot plan is mainly to contribute through programming, but got involved in the meetings as well

Nick: when ppl live on a boat, boat becomes the core identity! Nick lives on a boat then. stewarding the tech part, main developper, wasnt the original dev, have been part of it all the way through, conistent part of my life, commons, non capitalist approaches, critical perspectives in technology, reached a point wehtere i should go more tech or more sociological/philosophical, kind of enjoy existing in this emergent space, karrot quite precarious and quite resilient, working on how to weave it with my boat life, sort of want to use karrot as a basis for other projects to avoid dublication, on community tech: with these many definitions…in the gathering was a lot of high-end conversations, practiioner and the theorist of practice, is there a difference between the theory/analysis and practice?

butze (nickname): 12y ago when finished masters, how can I contribute to the world? got connected to foodsharing, big ideological dreams back in these days where I met Nick (wuppdays), there dif projects emerged and one of them was, then I disengaged, analogue world sharing, then thought to go to local place and found ppl in HCI (plural economics), got connected to HCI ppl interested in food and tech and sustainability, working now in siegen and made my way to academia commbined with activism, I feel like ’ a community steward’, organising regular cooking event, adopt a chili plant, community gardens, have published papers, 2months ago submitted my thesis, at the moment supported Karrot (nordiCHI), sigen concentrated didnt have capacity to contribute to karrot but met nick again in foodsharing festival (lux). Dont do any specific task atm, like the philosophy, karrot is at the forefront of community tech, Community sypported software, similar reseach in fs (DE), where users participate in the desing of the platform, now I need to set my compass again, I often start projects but hight ideological stakes and sometimes I get frustrated, try to get in serenity, quite lucky, just got another contract for the next 3 years, intersted in the g-local

matt: I am a trombonist :slight_smile: :trumpet: ← sorry only trumpet emoji

wonder about framing what to do next, rather than delve into all the interesting topics right now. made the mistake before, not in the right place to capture everything said. then having to rework conversation.

how might we curate a particular space where we can talk about some of these things, presumably online, given where everyone is, and slightly more faciliated space? e.g. defining community tech…
initial proposal to nick, was that him and I spent 2 days, funding the time (now understand how karrot finances work), if we might all be available for 2 days online, faciliated, what we might want get out of that. want to make sure the products of our thinking might be useable, including outside of the university.

see if you 4 would be interested, and what we might produce from it. this initial focus I had on trust, came out of the conversation I had with nick, but chimed with me a lot. (aside, congrats for handing in phds). in thesis, included about trust, on collaboration in the 3rd sector in the uk. “theory of collaboration”, trying to disrupt it a bit by introducing vulnerability. so have a particular angle on trust. maybe something to talk about in relation to trust.

not quite sure how we go about having them right now, maybe experience of how trust is developed as a community, what it means, particularly interested in the act of generating open source tech, how it engenders trusting behaviours, if it does… what sort of trust is produceed, what does trust do. started to call “community tech” a practise rather than a thing. how does trust change/shift that. you have trust, so what difference it make.

question is: would be interested in that? and if so, what kind of financial support can I extract from the uni to put towards karrot’s pot. understanding a different between money karrot in, and money out. understand being in a rich institution. what might we produce from it, would be interested in writing a paper about trust in collaborative tech


about trust: also touched on it in my phd. started using it a plural way, trusts. different levels. I would be down to spend 2 days and chat about trust, sounds like a good proposal. on the money thing… I know unis have money, it’s good to get some money for karrot, don’t know how much. should there be some preliminary work before it from our side? so maybe bring our own agenda. the data that comes out is going to be very karrot-centric in a sense.

find it interesting with trust in karrot, a lot of interpersonal trust, and vouching mechanisms. everyone met nick somewhere. more relational trust-building with groups that use karrot. interesting trajectory where one group built their own instance, and noticing different types of trust emerging there.

would be super happy to spend some time with you, brainstorming, etc.


I find the topics super interesting, how trust is formed, what does it entail, how it affects the community, would be super interested in participating. also very thankful for the money contributing offered, even though we’re not money-based, supporting people who are contributing is also a way to make sure the community is stable, less dependentant on other external variables (e.g. whether we have a job or not), always appreciated.


would just say YES, for the money basically, we dont expect it, optional bonus, one bit is how do I make a voice for the practice, acutally doing the shit, yet-another-report, having a foot on each thing, getting the language but doing the praxis/practice, good solid flow of developlement, how we take the wisdom of doing hands on after having a view from the valley…go back and start chopping wood and doing things…building houses. Community Supported Software model came up, if that fits in, trust between ppl using software and developping, part of it is to announce a term.

Butze: defo up for it, for me I need to travel to see different places, ofc trust has been a topic, looking into negotations on what it means to trust and be fairn, did a quick a seach on what there is on community tech and trust, what is the state of the art on community tech and trust, trust in tech, trust among people, two dimentions, overall definatelly down/up for it.

Matt: I d much prefer to do sth in person, we support travel, not sure if the budget, thinking of some ‘stipend’ for karrot,
a) how about I check funding? b) future thing: develop a contact with detroit community tech ( Community Technology — MOTHER CYBORG ) trying to get some funding for them to come to the university for 3 weeks

in terms of how we might do sth, nice thing they did in the community economy, tons and tons of reading, engaging with writing, take half a paragraph, and explained what it meant to you, was actually really great way to engage in convos, GK ‘post capitalist politics’ for example, revealed different perspectives with a bit of writing.

date: 2024-09-18

present: nick, matt, bruno, jay, nathalie
notes: everyone

chit chat about anarchist cybernetics by thomas swann, martin parker.
mentioned adam greenfield, taking care of ourselves ina world on fire.


  • logistics part, and content parts


  • have some ideas from initial conversation
  • important for us to have times for ourselves, not just my ideas, a space for us to use
  • nothing going on in the days we’re on, but could arrange for some other researchers to have discussions, if anything is interesting, should be nice connections


  • couldn’t make last call
  • very interested in the topics, been following the topics
  • can’t be there physically, if we can have some section hybrid online, would be nice
  • briefly about me: bruno, in sweden, gothenburg, part of karrot team for some years, started as a user/community organiser with a foodsaving group in gothenburg, not a programmer, involved in designs, concepts, whatever is needed
  • not sure can contribute a lot in the meeting logistics right now
  • what caught my interest was subject of trust, and to see which part of that can be incorporated into a feature, knowing the limitations of not being embed trust in software, etc… relates to upcoming design processes we have, e.g. one about roles nathalie is leading, strong connection, roles/accountability/trust comes in, and how the software can enable specific forms of organisation
  • research assistant gig, part time, about circular grassroots initiatives doing, local, foodsaving, freeshops, repair shops, etc… international consortium, gothenburg, nantes, amsterdam, looking at initiatives. will be looking at “value creation”, non-monetized values that are created


  • spending time with animals in nature :slight_smile:


  • also part of karrot team, based in germany, in Braunschweig
  • mostly interested now about logistics, maybe have some hints about accomodation?
  • is there something we can/need to prepare


  • phd at 50, previously was a school teacher, and homeless project work
  • supervisor was martin parker, who was also thomas swanns supervisor who wrote anarhicst cybernetics

content things

initial content was from chat with nick about community technology. work in “organising domain” of the centre, with martin parker, and dan mcquillan from goldsmiths (who wrote reisting AI antifascist manifesto), and exeter guy (harry pitts).

conversation with nick (as part of “self described community technologists”), “what futures are being claimed by practitioners of community technologists” - a very broad church of different approaches to community technology.

one thing coming out of the discussion is an idea about trust. research plan was to do first round of interviews, then spin off projects from that, so this is a spin off from first round. seemed obvious to get karrot people to come to bristol to do conference.

idea of having a good piece of the time we spend together about trust. perhaps aim to co-write something, which we could potentially publish, that’s as far as thought has gone so far.

if we’ve got 2 days, would be amazing to be quite exploratory around ideas of trust, that could be provided, and could workshop ideas. imagine it could be pretty creative, having met nick (:laughing:), and other time can be alone, could also invite people from the centre.

also part of “community economies institute”, recently did summer school there, and maybe some people interest to join in, researcher called carlotta (sp?) in italy, doing research on commons, trying to think about how to co-produce some work around trust. how bruno describes it is how I’m thinking about it, relationship of organising and trust, and tech and trust.

coming from social science perspective, so really up for emergent/iterative stuff, rather than big plans.

research outputs can include drawing, painting, anything :slight_smile: not just dense walls of text. very broad terms of research output, not as an end piece.


space that we have, only a meeting room, but does have hybrid meeting facilities, we can do with the room what we will. have it for 2 days.

building is in the centre of bristol, top of park street. georgian building, up a few flights of stairs, but not very accessible.

funds, we’ve discussed, £2000 from organising domain budget. can find a way to get it paid as a group, maybe paying individuals, or some other approach.

can provide some refreshments during the time. room opens from 7am to 7pm. no access to accomodation, as it’s term time, if it was out of term time maybe there would have been some student accomodation. I don’t live in bristol myself, anybody is welcome to get a lift home to herefordshire if they need it :slight_smile:

discussions / feedback / comments

more emergent process seems good, have the space and then we meet.

get address of meeting space.

ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures (CenSoF)

University of Bristol
13 Berkeley Square
Bristol BS8 1HB, UK

nathalie: background in sociocracy, and part of sociocracy for all, mission to spread sociocracy, and in the IT circle, different context, but quite a connection.
in sociocracy for talk about understand → explore → decide.
like the idea to have some kind of output.
sounds all very nice.

bruno: co-production and other connections, wondering how we imagine that we can do some co-production or create something of value for others, can create something of value to karrot itself as a project, and to matt and his research, and hopefully other relevant actors in community tech realm. how to connect and involve them? how to design software and features that are more supportive of how we envision organising. where as the spaces for conversations we want to create.

matt: just at the moment in conversation with promising trouble (who wrote a community tech group), they’ve been running an online discord group for groups part of some funding they have, maybe starting to faciliate that space, to be a place of dissemation of information, or thoughts on community technology, quite UK-focused, but doesn’t need to be. once the funding ends, take a responsiblity to faciliate it. maybe can create some spaces for discussion there, trying to create a centre-of-gravity around certain topics. could be a place to disemnate some provocations - even without university focus on “impact”, evidencing impact on the world through “impact”

Chat about Bristol trip plans

Date: 2024-10-16
Participants: Nick, Nathalie, Bruno, Matt

  • thing that takes most organising, who else we want to draw into it
    • other people at the centre, interesting and good for us to engage with
    • other organisations centre is working with, organising differently themselves, using tech in different ways, e.g. knowle west media centre
    • friend in detroit, mother cyborg, trying to get to come to uk
      • maybe interesting discussion there, part of detroit community tech workshop
    • Dan McQuillan, wrote resisting AI, antifascist manifesto book
  • initial idea around trust
    • matt can put some sessions to explore that
  • feedback
    • group of people in Bristol doing surplus food distribution, Nick can get in touch
    • groups and communities that use tech, doing stuff on the ground
    • curious with all other people, be in the space together
    • might not be the point to operationalise things
    • trust - community - technology
    • people to bring in sounds interesting
    • also be aware of what kind of outcomes we want, on theoretical/conceptual level, or putting something into practise, finding ways to bridge that gap are interesting, pairing theoretical with practitioners
    • also looking forward into possible future scenarios, thinking about collapse scenarios and role of technology in building community
    • stays with sense of emergent space from last time, appreciate thinking about the shapes of it
    • in my mind the 2 days are university/karrot days, so not necesarily having separated karrot time working on features, but want to understand what it means to make space for karrot
    • maybe allow space for connecting/chatting/eating, e.g. lunchtimes. more unstructured way of connecting, e.g. a little walk
    • have a curiosity to talk about AI, mostly ignore it in karrot so far, coming into some other spaces, feel quite new to it, quite a learning space
    • open question about level of knowledge in philosphical topics
  • like the idea of creating curious spaces
    • maybe 10am to 12 on the first day, have provcations to think, inputs
    • could see if martin is around, he does alternative organising work
    • exploring what we’re doing here, which lens do we look through
    • speculative future exploration, have some framings around how to explore this, what if…
  • matt would like to explore some ideas about theorising about community technology
    • how to organise in particular futures
    • have different spaces, maybe put a scale on how ‘conceptual’ a session is
  • potential for an open thing?
  • 2x2 matrix
    • conceptual thinking, and practical thinking
    • trinity arts and knowle west media centre both developing different kind of platforms / operational systems
    • can badge sessions to help with expectations/framing of a session
  • entanglement of technology and society
    • “sociodigital” not a department, so how to explore these topics
    • how to talk of the nuts and bolts of tech and the concepts, what is the method to combine these
    • projects that are doing stuff, and unversities conceptualizing, unis have resources/funding/etc.
    • skepticism of some theoretical/academic concepts on the ground
  • lots of organisations trying to take social action ape capitalist models of reproduction
    • dominance of north american management styles (e.g. fordism)
    • business part of universities has been very influential
    • uni and organising not as separate as we might imagine
    • matt and martin parker trying to subvert that, and amplify practises of alternative/critical organising methods, not every org trying to mimic a capialist model
    • two concepts we’ve been working on in karrot
      • design process
      • economic model, community supported software seed
    • many concepts coming from academia, could help us to work on our vision
    • conversation around commons