Introducing store wall and store subscriptions

Another input I got from a Bike Kitchen user is to make it easier to subscribe to a store/place by having the star directly next to the store/place name on the sidenav.

Hey @bruno, @karolina and @mzpawlowski - your ideas sound good to me! I’m still busy with other topics in Karrot, but in the meantime I already collected some actionable tasks here: Place subscriptions & conversations - follow-up · Issue #1297 · yunity/karrot-frontend · GitHub (list of people, star button in sidenav, tab navigation)

Isn’t that already the case? It works when the user is subscribed to the conversation (“all” or “some” option) - if they are unsubscribed, we should respect their wish to not get informed about new messages.

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I got a feedback again from our foodsaving group yesterday that it’s hard to find the store wall. I got it from a friend who is responsible for one cooperating store and could not explain to an older man using Karrot where to find it. The good news is that people are actually trying out the store wall and see its usefulness. But they adopt it after someone shows them that the feature is there. My friend started by writing a message there and asking if the people who subscribed saw the message and he actually many replies, which also shows that notifications are doing their job! :slight_smile:

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Tab navigation is coming soon! :wink:


Store tab navigation & subscribed user list now ready for testing on!


I’m really happy you started working on this. It can make Karrot even more user-friendly. I have two comments to the navigation tab:

  1. Move navigation tab to the top, above the store description. Currently navigation buttons are below the store description which is collapsed as a default. In such a case it looks nice. However, store description is important and it normally should be expanded because it conveys a lot of critical infomation for the pickup. When description gets expaneded, navigation buttons are moved down and if description is very long (which often happens in our stores in Warsaw - see example), it will be a bit cumbersome to scroll down and find them. That’s why I think they should always be at the top, above the description of the store.
  2. Keep “Manage Pickups” and “Edit Store” as buttons in top right corner. These two options can be used to modify the store and pickups. I’m afraid that the fact they are now at the same place as all the other tabs (“Pickups”, “Wall”, “Feedback” and “History”) suggests they all have equal importance and it even encourages users to click them to see what they contain. This may lead to unwanted situations when someone will accidentally make some changes in the pickups or store settings. These two options were not available in the navigation panel on the left and I’d keep the same logic here, i.e. not show them with the rest but leave them as they were in top right corner.


Thanks for the feedback!

  1. I agree that showing the store description is important. I originally wanted to have it so that it always shows the first 3 lines and can be expanded if necessary. That would encourage people to put the most important information first. But it was simpler to add a collapsible, so that’s why it’s there…
    About the location of the tabs: it felt wrong when clicking the tab, the content below would keep the same. If you have long store descriptions that move tabs down, it could seem that tab content doesn’t change at all - at least to users with smaller screens, their whole screen is occupied by description.
  2. I moved the buttons to have a indicator which page the user is on. If I would have kept the top right buttons, then on those pages I would either show the tab bar without any tab selected or not show the tab bar.
    You might have noticed that the topbar breadcrumb now always shows the store name. That should make it much easier for mobile users to recognize the context. Before, it would only say “Edit store”.
    Talking of keeping “risky” buttons separate - the “star” and “route” buttons are one of the least risky ones and most users would want to click them, so I don’t see an advantage in either of those locations.
    I briefly thought about having a “vertical dot” menu at the end of the tab bar for those two pages, but then we would also lose the active page indication.

With that in mind, would you still propose the changes?

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I released it just now, let me know what people think about it!

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Feedback from Warsaw group:

  1. We prefer the navigation buttons to be at the top, above the description.

This concern does not seem to be very worrying. With navigation buttons below the description it’s not very convenient too. When description is long I have to scroll down to find the buttons. When I click on one of them, the page changes and scroll is back at the top which means I have to scroll down again. Moreover, if description can be collpased, your concern can be mitigated by collapsing a long description. Then, the content of the page will change.

  1. We would like to display collapsed description in a nicer way. Currently it only shows one row and it shows markdown notation - it’s not formatted. It doesn’t look nice and because it’s only 1 line, it can’t really be used to display the most important information on the store.

The store descriptions are quite important, so would be better to not have them collapsed.

Oh my… well, I guess that’s the price of changing things, it never ends :wink:

I’ll try out another solution to handle long descriptions, let’s see how it goes.

I see many benefits of having a possibility to collapse and expand the description, especially when it’s very long and I’m already familiar with its content. Therefore, I wouldn’t like to get rid of this feature. The most important request from our group was to have navigation tabs at the top. Collapsed description could be a bit nicer too but this is just a nice-to-have feature, rather than a must-have one.

In our group for some stores we hava a link to a longer description about how the pickups are done on our website. That works kind of like a way to collapse a long text.

The store description on karrot is information that you want especially new foodsavers doing their first pickup in the store to read before they sign up like who is the contact person, what transportation do you need, if you need to call someone in the store before every pickup/if a pickup gets cancelled, where do you deliver the food.

Here’s my experiment; I made a preview and show the full description in a modal.
Let me know your thoughts!

I think it’s much nicer than previous solution. I like it :slight_smile:

Since a long time I have problem with unneccessary notifications, but onbly today I was motivated to write about it. Does anyone else experience this problem too? I have no stars, so I should be getting only the main wall notifications, but I’m getting also other ones for the specific stores. I tried to star them and unstar them, but it didn’t help. Please, move the topic elsewhere if it’s not the best place for it.

Thank you for reporting, Karolina!

The star icon on the notification is a bit misleading, since you’re not receiving them because you marked the place as favorite. I would guess that at some point you wrote something on the place wall, and that turns on the notifications for that specific wall. Check what the icon is if you go a place/store that you’re getting notifications from and then its wall, on the top right:

You can turn them off there.

If that’s the case, it solves the problem for now. But then we should probably question whether notifications should be turned on for specific place walls whenever we write something there. What do you think?

Oh, you mean the envelope on the wall with messages? Wow, this was difficult to find and I wouldn’t find it without your help. So I would say that it’s absolutely not intuitive. I think that the star should do all the job and the notifications shouldn’t be on when writing something in the wall.

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That’s valuable feedback, thx!

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