user testing with person from Luxembourg group
Date: 2021-08-03
Lead: Bruno
Observers: Nick
proposing new agreement
wondering whether to make something up, or not.
notices default time period of 7 days.
assuming summary is a summary of the main text, and noticing it’s optional.
fetches text from existing group agreement. selects one subpoint from their long agreement, about context resolution.
wondering how the summary will be displayed, compared to the full text, so wondering how detailed to make the summary. settles on one sentence for the summary.
proposal created!
“reason for proposal” is shown, but we had that field removed, and they actually always use a reason … so maybe we could add an optional reason back for new agreements in…
participate in an existing discussion (proposal)
opens an approved agreement first, rather than a proposal. so there is no discussion.
notices that it is already approved (with the green text in the top right)
looks in propoals tab, and finds the open proposal
see’s reason too!
notices that it references an existing approved agreement too
wondering how to see the change to the agreement?
not sure about the pop-up view, whether it’s needed. would be fine with scrolling on the page.
wanting to see the changes more clearly.
checks the instructions, easily makes a message in the chat
is able to vote ok.
does not see “show hanges to existing agreement” button
change an existing agreement (creating a change proposal)
selects the money agreement.
notices similarities to creating new proposal.
uses the reason field kind of like the change itself.
“depends how I want to work” when thinking about discussion first, or proposing changes first.
expects, correctly, to be able to edit the existing text if selecting “propose changes first”
is able to propose a change easily
does not see “show hanges to existing agreement” button
making the change view the main view somehow? to make it clearer
still some confusion between approved and proposals (tabs a bit smaller)
instead than “start a discussion”, could be “open for discussion”
maybe add back in the “reason for proposal” for new agreements, using principle from sociocracy to make clear that everybody knows what the problem is, or what needs to be solved. what are you trying to solve?
another idea to add: evaluating the proposals, reminder to check the policies periodically (e.g. after 1 year notify people to review, or automatically date for review)
again from sociocracy, start with good proposal than perfect one, then review it
preventing agreements become stale
could it be useful for foodsharing luxembourg? maybe, but hesistation, as they take some decisions at meetings, not sure. it could be in their meetings, they add the proposal in karrot. not everybody goes to meetings, so could be good if they can give input in karrot. some people that don’t come to meetings, but don’t give their feedback usually.
Notes on new feature (roles)
Open slots vs guest
confusion because everything is on one line
Daniel likes the idea of a preview too
first design is clearer, Daniel really likes the slider
Nick will start working on how the activity will look like. Then a preview when creating the activity…
role is related to trust
make specific what to trust for
- contact Dominic for UI ideas
- should make clear what the sliders are for