Improve mobile hamburguer menu

User story: I find it very difficult to tap the message and notification buttons on mobile sidenav/hamburguer menu. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Here’s a little sketch on how to improve this:

Related: Switching groups on mobile

Complexity: not very complex, just design considerations

Outcomes (or what needs to be done to move forward): gather more opinions on this :slight_smile:

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I agree, and experience that difficulty too.

Looks great!

And depending on skills/capacity the group switcher changes could be implemented too there…

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Like it, looks good to me!

One additional point about the menu that’s confusing me is that I can move it in any direction. I’d expect it to be more fixed e.g. not allow it to scroll down when sliding back to the left. What do others think?

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I didn’t notice that. On my device I can either scroll down/up or to the left, but not at the same time.

Here’s what I came up with so far… I’m not sure, something ugly about it, but I don’t know if it’s cause I’ve staring at it for too long :smile:

What do you think?

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Whey! Great stuff, I think a bit of alignment might do the trick. There is a big space on the left which could be closed up.

Feel free to push it to a branch and create a draft PR, and I can set up branch deployment for it so we can play with it.