Imagine a enhanced workflow

just an idea

  1. The logged-in user creates a new Place, or joins a previously created Place. This become a place manager to setup pickup from his Place.

  2. For a specific day enters the time from-to, type of food (meal, vegetables, drink, fruit, other), estimated volume, number of slots.

  3. Another logged user became pickuper ando join the pickup

  4. the user that picks up the food before the time window ends can immediately make feedback / rating. He confirms the specified volume.

  5. if pickuper does not manage to pick up in the deadline, he click to release the slot and / or suggest another deadline.

Note that I suggest changes here:

  • 2 types of users: Places manager and pickuper
  • the manager can enter the type of food and estimated volume
  • the pickuper can rate the pickup before the time window ends, confirm volume
  • Pickuper may suggest another term.

Now i have a little bit stuck with new users that are not pickupers. The only thing what I need from them is setting up the pickup in their Place. The interface is too complex for them. They are never make any other operation than setting time and perhaps the volume.
Any other options are welcome.

Yeah, I can see that Karrot doesn’t fully fit your intended workflow. Usually, all group members are people who organize pickups and pick up food - that’s the design we “inherited” from

The place owners are mostly not part of the groups, but instead there is a contact person for every place. To avoid hierarchies, we didn’t implement a ‘place manager’ role yet. There have been discussions in many place about this, but we didn’t summarize it yet. This issue might be the best starting point, I’ll add your requirements to it:

Type of food and estimated volume can be added in the “pickup information” field, or in the “place description”. I would only add a dedicated field if the majority of users would use it.

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