Got Kicked out from my own group

Hello all, I got kicked out from my own group.
A few months ago, I was active by sharing some stuff on that group.
I was promoting about the ZMC.
Later on, I was away for 2-3 months. Then, when I came back, turns out, I could not gain access to my own group. I got kicked out.

So, how do I claim my group again? I attached my group here.
Thank you.

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Ah sorry! Yes, I think we need to implement a feature where the last person in the group is not removed…

Although the idea is partly that groups that are not being used can kind of “compost” away. The duration before removing from a group is 6 months without logging in once, and it does send reminders. It could also be useful to extend that duration for some groups that have more sporadic access patterns.

Were you using it with the same email address you have signed up for here?

Hi @nicksellen , thank you for your message. Sorry for late reply.

Yes i used the first email address. Then I changed it to another email address. The reason is because I deleted my first email address.

Could you restore my ownership of the group? Thank you

I confirmed that you did used to be a member of the group and got removed due to inactivity.

I’ve restored your membership now :slight_smile:

You should receive emails notifying you if you become inactive again, and before you would be removed again.

(in the future we might have a configurable duration for how long it is before members are removed due to inactivity)

Good luck with your group!

Thank you @nicksellen

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