User story:
I changed the time of a pickup (For example, from 18hr to 17:55hr because the shop manager asked that people be on time). But when I updated, all the people that were signed up for the pickups next days were signed out.
One way to handle that could be to update the time without signing out people (with a notification that the time has been changed) or implement the new timings only from when the new slots will be open (which for us is 2 weeks in future).
Also, related is being able to change the times of individual activities within a series (Allow to change the time of individual activities within a series · Issue #2633 · karrot-dev/karrot-frontend · GitHub)
Touches on our core logic of activity generation and calendar stuff, so have to be very careful! A lot of edge cases and unclear user expectations in this area.
Outcomes (or what needs to be done to move forward):
Decide the scope and come up with a new concept/model