All For Climate 2024-06-26

Nick, Bruno, Nathalie, Babette (from allforclimate)

  • babette does lots of organising there also a whole team behind it
  • history of karrot being voluntary, have some funding now
  • don’t want to depend on private accounts, and also want transparency
  • discussed legal entity option, but not quite ready for that yet
  • complex for legal entity, as we are in many countries
  • found allforclimate via robinfoods
  • fee, values, activist vibe, democratic governance
  • karrot itself, software project providing infrastructure
  • supporting groups to organise that then go out and do things
  • rooted in foodsharing co-ordination
  • have been moving to a more general focus, software for community organising
  • membership, roles, governance, administration rights, trust-based approach
  • allforclimate seems to fit where our hearts our
  • allforclimate shared non-profit structure, purpose must stay non-profit
  • unincorporated partnership, using them as a service, but they don’t own us
  • open collective platform
    • profile
      • all sections are optional, customize, only budget is mandatory
      • at least 2 admins, better more
      • email addresses are not public, but there is a COntact Colelctive button
      • create fundraisers: create contribution tier
      • when people make donations: default tip to opencollective - it is optional! you need to click edit to remove it
      • you can always donate anonymously
      • payment: credit card, bank transfr, paypal
        • bank transfer is best
      • at the bottom of the page there is an overview of budget and donations
      • build-in ticketing system with events, create donation boxes
      • create seperate projects, like a sub-page, own budget, own team etc
      • budget
        • transparent!
        • transactions: debit, you see all details
        • we needs receipts, invoices etc
        • chat under every expense for fiscal host, admins and person who calims expense
        • submit expense
          • choose name, you can also do this fr others (invite someone so sumbit expense)
          • pay via bank or paypal
          • only pay euros, build in exchange rate
          • bank accounts need to be in europe
          • will not pay fines directly, person needs to pay first and then needs to do reimburseent
          • no problems with UK! needs IBAN always
    • admin
      • Tiers: fill out the fields, can also do mini crwodfunding page as stand-alone
  • fee might be higher in a few months


  • nlnet payment without fee?
    • there is no contract, only MoU
    • make payment to bank account
    • no additional paperwork
    • as long as they don’t take responsibility, the fee doesn’t apply
    • use platform for payments would be ideal, like making a donation
    • if there really is no other way, they could do a bank transfer
  • any fees on paying expenses?
    • recommend using euro account
    • small difference
    • best to try out
    • no fee on payout
  • pay expense to other colelctive?
    • can invite them but needs invoice
  • can I be reimbursed for less?
    • yes, it’s on the docs
  • employ people
  • connect with others in All for Climate?
    • setup another meeting
    • end of July maybe
    • struggle a bit to connect with collectives, would like to do more community building
    • people see them as a service
    • each collective can join General Assembly
    • it’s a SHARED NON-PROFIT